Being A Sex Object Is Feminist.


Mae West, Feminist Sex Object


Why wouldn't you want to be a sex object? Wanted, desired, worshipped, looked up to?

Being a sex object IS feminism. Sex is power.

Instead a lot of women in this country (if not the world) settle for a life of repetition.

Shop, put away, cook, serve, wash up, put away, repeat
Buy, Wash, Dry, Fold, Put Away repeat
Move furniture, vacuum repeat
Declutter, Dust, Windex, Pledge repeat
InstantPot, Air Fryer, Target, Starbucks, Whole Foods and Roombas
Poshmark, Amazon, eBay, Etsy
Fuck, Get Pregnant, Give Birth, Feed, Burp, Change, Bathe, Soothe, Sleep repeat
Wake up, eat, shower, lunches and breakfasts, get dressed, bus, office, work, learn, lunch, work, learn, bus, car, traffic, home, homework, tv, beer, dinner, clean up, tv, bedtime4kids, Netflix and Chill, bed repeat
Birth, Day Care, Preschool, kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, high school, college, Romance, Dating, Marriage, Home, Kids Repeat
Empty Nest, Get in ground Pool Installed, Grandkids, retirement, Cruise, Die
Born, struggle, die repeat
Holidays, sports and vacations break up the monotony, but most womens lives are like this.

They love their kids and hubby but in every womans heart is to be beautiful, desired and loved, and appreciated, and to dream and create beautiful things, communities and make this world a better place and to challenge herself and others around her.

One day shes at Aldi, and she bumps into an old high school friend who moved away, who she used to have a lot of fun with and shes going on a wine tour thru Europe. Old friend is tan, slim, smells like Sand & Sable, has cute sandals and a sundress on. Glowing. She smiles at old friend and tells her what the kids are doing. Old friend says, "I never expected you to marry that Brett from school with the big plumbing company! I thought you would have married that hippy from the tea shoppe. Him and his girlfriend just came back from living in Asia" She smiles without teeth and the awkward pause makes old friend bid adieu "We must have lunch sometime but I gotta go, KEEP IN TOUCH"
Old friend trails off in a glowing beach scented haze.
She makes a beeline for the frozen case with the Black Forest cake (its Aldi German Week) gets in the SUV, closes the doors and cries all the way home. She eats half that cake as soon as she gets home, while googling the guy from the tea shoppe.

The kids got her an air fryer for her birthday and hubby got her the Box set of Friends Tv show

Her and hubbys sex life is average and barely gets the job done. A new couple moves into the neighborhood and the wife is hot, she resents her and isn't friendly to her. She is becoming a bit of a Karen. Her and her other Stepford Karens resent new Hot Wife but they all meet at the mall to giggle and buy that 50 Shades book and see the movie and make it a best seller

Her life is stuck in a never ending level of repetition.
Usually with little recognition. There are billions of Moms and Wives and they are mostly the same, most women will never be in history books for anything they did as wives or moms. No matter how many Live Love Laugh signs from Aldi they have up, no matter how many bottles of wine they raise at Wine Thirty, It wont matter if she fed those kids Annie's Organic or Kraft Mac and Cheese, The kids will move away and she gets stuck in an empty house with an aged old man who reverts to a 10 yr old boy more and more as he ages, or he might even cheat. He will putter around the house, and now will accompany her to the grocery store, making the trip 3 xs as long cause he will wanna sample 4 cheeses at the deli and look at all the car magazines. He will pile meat and cheese in the cart.

This is a woman's life. a droning long life of repetition

She has become that nameless faceless XL mom and wife at the water park screaming at the kids while trying to corral everyone to the cafeteria to get lunch

By law of averages her 2 daughters will follow her into this Stepford Drone repetitious life, and her sons will become a plumber like Dad and become the aged old man following their wives around the supermarket like Dad.

In 4 generations her DNA will be gone from the family tree. Its as if she never existed. (23andme only shows you 4 generations cause that's as far as DNA goes)

She was just a Stepford Drone Wife, a machine to keep the house clean and babies coming. Her beauty was stolen, her intelligence was ignored, no one ever asked her how she felt....

Id choose being a Sex Object/symbol any day over a life where nothing I do really mattered...

Good girls go to heaven. Bad girls go everywhere else. ~Mae West

This post ties into this post :Why Straight Men Need To Pay Attention To Why Women Watch Gay Porn

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