Why Straight Men Need To Pay Attention To The Fact That Women Love GAY PORN (NSFW - Graphic Descriptions and 1 Anatomical Drawing)



 Statistically, women watch a lot of Gay Porn, Lets See Why that is...

What you first need to realize about women, is that they watch more Gay Porn than Gay Men watch Gay Porn. AND the reason they watch Gay Porn at all, is due to something that no one talks about.

Heterosexual Bed Death  and Mens Toxic Macho Cosplay

Heterosexual Bed Death is what occurs in a lot of marriages after about 2-4 years. The couple just stops having sex, or the sex gets less and less frequent and fun. It becomes utilitarian. First the oral sex stops then sex starts to dry up.

Lets explore why this happens, then I will get into why women like Gay Porn so much...

On March 27th 2005 a writer named Ayelet Waldman wrote an article for the NY times called "Truly, Madly, Guiltily." It blew up, all across the country. Women took offense to this article. In it Ayelet (a mom of 4) stated that everytime she was at Gymboree or Mommy And Me classes the conversation would end up at "how often mommy feels compelled to put out".  And no one was having sex in the Mommy groups. 

.....Except for Ayelet.

Ayelet stated (controversially) that she was getting a lot of sex, because she "loved her husband, more than she loved her children."  and the country lost their shit!

I have read this article many many times and I have often wondered why Mommies seem to stop having sex once they marry and have kids. I was one of them. I thought my sons father loved me, and I thought I loved him. Before him I had an extremely colorful and kinky sexlife, so why, when I supposedly found a man who loved me, why did the sex dry up? I even started therapy to find out the cause...

Well, I think I have figured it out and more. 

Before I go on I wanna focus on the phrase, "how often mommy feels compelled to put out"... Doesn't that give the impression that women view sex as something they have to do, rather then something they wanna do?

I think on womens part, having a child out of your vagina, sometimes is traumatizing. You feel like an open wound and sex is the last thing you want.

Anyway, follow along with me....

I believe the top cause of all issues between men and women is the fact that physically, men and women are sexually INCOMPATIBLE. They always try and say "God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve"... Well, Gods heterosexual "design" has a major flaw.

75% of all women on the face of the earth cant achieve orgasm thru vaginal intercourse.

That's right, women and men are not physically compatible. Lets see why...

You know why women cant cum from intercourse with you and your magic penis??

Its because their CLITORISES (clitorisi?) are too far up on their vulvas to get friction and stimulation from your penis. What this means for women is that women need their man to either rub their clits during sex to help, or they need to get her very horny before sex, or they have to have a pre or post sex orgasm to get satisfied sexually in the relationship. In great marriages/relationships they are already doing this...

But in most marriages they are suffering in silence..

Women will have sex with a few different people and never be able to cum with any of them and so instead of chalking it up to poor anatomical design they internalize it and think they are just not sexual people and abnormal. When they are amongst their friends they will fake it and brag they are cumming and their friends say they are cumming too, so no one is honest and no one gets to the bottom of it.

Lets be honest women, most of us aren't cumming at all during sex and we wait till hubby leaves and we get out Mr Buzzy and make ourselves cum. 

I have mentioned this on reddit subs and women come out and say that, "yeah, we just do it to feel close to our hubbies"... So women are not having good sex.

Most women actually are not aware of this 75% fact. They just think they are abnormal, and suffer in silence, afraid to talk to people about it for fear of judgement or fear that they wont be viewed as sexy desirable women.

Women don't understand just how normal they are for not cumming during sex, and if they don't know the reason and they've been taught masturbation is a sin and they don't even know what a goddamn orgasm feels like, they might think sex ISN'T as fun as other girls say it is... and just put up with it. Unfortunately there are a lot of marriages where the man doesn't understand this, due to no education, or not understanding women, or religious abuse or just being a Meatball. 

Let me explain the difference between men and women. Men are visual, that's why they like porn. Women need to hear things and have you stimulate their mind. Women need time to dream, fantasize and reset. If you cant stimulate your wife's mind and talk to her candidly about sex and her desires and make her super turned on before you even touch her, you will never have a good marriage and a happy wife and home.

What sex is like for women in the 75%...

So imagine this, All week (statistically women are still doing 80% of the domestic chores) your wife has had the kids and house chores to deal with. She's had no time to think or dream or reset her self.  Before you got married your favorite way to unwind and relax was spending time together and talking and having sex.  NOW, you dart off to a mancave to avoid her and your kids, WHY?

Then when you emerge from your cave late at night, you climb in bed with her and want sex. Shes taken a shower and settled down after a hard day and is ready to drift off to sleepyland. But she lets you have sex so she can go to sleep. Then the sex is mediocre and no one is happy or fulfilled and y'all are angry. Then your wife starts getting resentful that you don't care about her and don't wanna spend time with her and she starts eating her feelings and shutting down and gets fat then YOU go and cheat with that bimbo at Applebees.
A lot of marriages drone on with mediocre sex and quickies and if womens anatomies are keeping them orgasmless, think about how frustrating it is for a woman with 4 kids and a busy schedule to only have time for quickies and mediocre sex. If the sex isn't yielding an orgasm for her regularly when you guys aren't rushed, then think about how a quickie feels! It just feels like a transaction instead of Hot Sex. It feels like NOTHING!

Meanwhile you are having all the orgasms and shes having nothing!

Women get Wet Ass Pussy (WAP) by stimulating their minds, not with quickies. All those hours spent in your cave, could have been spent slowly seducing one and other.

So this is why women at Mommy and Me and Gymboree aren't glowingly talking about all the hot sex they've been having.. If they aren't getting the ultimate enjoyment out if it and its medium grade fun, then after kids it might not seem worth it...

If women aren't aware, and men aren't aware of this 75% statistic, then they cannot fix it, they will get frustrated and it will damage the relationship. I certainly wasn't aware of the 75% rule and one of my hobbies is sex. I just always thought something was wrong with me, that I wasn't excited enough or something.

I think most men love their significant others and want a great marriage and sexlife, but if they don't know what the problem is, how can they fix it? 

Lets talk about the symptoms of this sexual pleasure imbalance okay.

Number 1--  Heterosexual Bed Death

Women will get tired of "going thru the motions" in bed with you. If its mediocre sex after the marriage is 2 yrs in and shes not getting anything from you, she will mentally weigh the choice between getting her crotch all messy for a boring robotic shag versus staying on the couch, dry and clean with her dog, her Starbucks and a cookie and watching her shows. She will start the headaches, then she will start "accidentally" falling asleep on the couch so she isn't in bed with you and your demands. Then she will be at Mommy and Me classes telling everyone shes not getting laid.

Number 2 -- Alternate Pleasure Sources

Your wife, who never gets an orgasm that you give her, will eventually start looking for alternate pleasure sources. It will begin with food and she will get fat. She'll start to buy a lot of cookbooks and shit from the TvFood Network, She was once a knockout, but now she wears clothes from the Missus section at Walmart. Or it will be an HGTV addiction and your house will soon be Shiplapped to fucking death!

She might get into Quilting or Cricuting and she will fill up everyones closets that she knows with custom homemade shit.

She'll start watching The Bachelor a lot more than usual. Or other types of these shows.

She will buy 50 Shades of Grey and gossip about it to her friends and they will giggle when they meet at the movie theater to see the movie...Inside she wishes she was Dakota... Then she will act like it was no big deal when you ask how her day was....

Or she will put all her love and devotion into the kids, and lose herself. She will bake 1000 cookies for the bake sale or she will start living thru her teen daughter and getting obsessive.

Or she will become a YouTube Crazy, like Bullhorn Betty. Addicted orgasmically to the ecstasy of the power of Likes and Views and subs. Or having a scoop no one has heard yet. the ultimate KAREN. (Bullhorn Betty is just an example, I'm not implying that shes not getting laid)

You will get frustrated and start drinking more or avoiding her and the kids for your alternate pleasure sources of hobbies, golf weekends with the guys (whose wives ain't cumming either) or a Mancave, and video games. Sports, Gambling, Or drugs.  This will make things exponentially worse. 

Number 3 -- Cheating

You and/or your wife will finally one day get tired of not having a fun sexlife. She will read something online and it will awaken her sexually and she will call an ex boyfriend and they will have sex. Or you will cheat with a waitress from Applebees, after you told her your wife wont blow you anymore or that shes gotten fat or something like that. And once again this will make things more exponentially worse.

The big issue here is that she still wont be having an orgasm with the new guy and by the stats, you wont be making waitress From Applebees cum either. Of course after your wife kicks you out and you move in with the waitress, she will get pregnant and so you will marry her and statistically she wont be cumming either and 2 yrs in the cycle starts again.

I think this ONE thing is the root cause of all the strife and discontentment between Men and Women. I think it is why everything breaks down between loving, good heterosexual couples. I think most loving husbands WANT to find solutions. However, I do also believe that there are some women who face an uphill climb when it comes to this issue cause their husbands are Meatballs. This post is for those couples, even tho Meatballs are incapable of change.

So lets discuss Meatballs.

I coined the term Meatball to describe the following...
A Meatball is a Blue Collar guy who might be nice looking and have a good paying job, and able to get a date, but to be 100% honest, Meatballs don't like women 
emotionally, they want a wife to do things for them (sex, keep house) but they just cant connect or don't want to connect intimately with women.They love sex with women, but not emotionally. Their entire marriage is spent acting. Acting like they love their wives, acting like they are happy being Dads, acting as if they are happy with their lives. They tend to spend a lot of time away from home (hobbies/mancave/oddjobsforfriends) to not have to connect deeply with their partner. These men want the UTILITY of women but not the actual woman..Women cant ever get thru to a Meatball. Meatballs get married to women who are God Fearing and aren't very bright because then they will never have to worry about her questioning him. She will believe its her godly duty to service him, even when its no fun for her.

This post is also for the men in society who are fearful and scared of being thought of, as weak. And the men who have been brainwashed into thinking what a real man is...

This is the  "Mens Toxic Macho Cosplay" Part.

So lets discuss what a man is...

Some men in this world lead lives of quiet desperation, some of them start off in life in Kindergarten and by the time they reach Jr High and High School they know that they aren't as academically or creatively gifted as some other boys so they go to trade school. Nothing wrong with this. We need these men. But what starts to occur is, lets use carpet laying in this case. So this carpet layer gets called to a house in tony Valley Forge, Pa. He gets there, and its a 5 million dollar estate and they treat him like dirt. Wont let him use the toilet, wont let him put tools down and roll their eyes at him. That causes him to become bitter about his lot in life and retreat into a fantasy world. He starts dreaming of being omnipotent like Schwarzenegger or The Rock, he wants to be a Cowboy or rich and powerful like JR Ewing or Trump. He completely stops progressing as a human being, and starts to emulate these cartoon caricatures of manhood. and stops wanting to learn and get better as a man. If you get treated like less than repeatedly, you become jaded and defensive and when others try to help, you think they are saying they are better then you and you lash out and you cant absorb knowledge.

.......and these men idolize artificial representations of manhood, like Cowboys, JR Ewing, Wrestlers, and Trump. For some reason these men idolize the very men that would treat them like shit in person.

Dear American Men,
Being a Cowboy is COSPLAY. Its not real. This aint Bonanza!
Every other country has their manly COSplay. 
In Europe its Soccer Stars. so all over Europe guys wear Adidas, 
so much so that Adidas are a sex fetish, like Cowboys are here.
The image of a Manly man in Europe is playing football and competing.
The image of a Manly man in the USA is gun toting Racist Cowboys,
Are you basing your manhood, tolerance of others and sexuality on a Halloween Costume?
This is why your Cowboy Bravado is TOXIC.
Its artificial and based on a lifestyle that no longer exists and/or is a cartoon Tv character.
Denmark is the happiest country on earth and there aint no Cowboys. 
The Cowboy Cosplay lifestyle is the most artificially macho and destructive of all international cosplays.
And its fake and its not getting you happiness or laid or a happy marriage. At least for your wife.

I'm going to say something that is gonna hurt, a lot. 

Since the beginning of time, Men's whole entire identities have been wrapped up in their cocks. How big it is, if its not too big how can I make it bigger, how can I maintain an erection, what kind of drugs are there for my ED, etc. These stupid Alpha Male commercials talking about testosterone etc etc etc,There are whole festivals in Japan dedicated to Phalluses...

.......and its all for nothing. 

Because 75% of all the women in the world don't have orgasms from ANY OF YOUR COCKS!. 

AND, guess what? That Cowboy, That Wrestler, Dallas' JR Ewing and Trump's cocks don't do anything to make 75% of the worlds women cum either, so you are all in the same boat.

No matter how much money, fame, Viagra or inches you have, it doesn't make 75% of all women cum from your cock in her pussy. And if you are a Meatball, your wife wont ever cum, cause you will never want to grow as a man. You will sit there with your dumb yet nice religious wife (who will never blow you cause its a sin) with your Trump sign in the window dreaming of GLORY.

And in fact, vaginal sex isn't even pleasurable to her if its a quickie, it feels like nothing.. Especially if shes been taking care of 4 rugrats all day and has puke on her shoulder.

So Ill give you a few days to pick your shattered ego up off the floor and come to that realization, and then you can scroll down and read the rest. See you then.... 


Lets continue, shall we?...................

So, how do you have a great marriage with satisfying sex for both partners?

Drop your artificially macho Alpha Male bullshit, and stop running away from your house and wife and kids and build intimacy. If you cant stimulate your wifes mind and talk to her candidly about sex and her desires and make her super turned on before you even touch her, you will never have a good marriage and a happy wife and home.

Like the Billy Idol song says
Well, when I realized that you need love tooGonna spend my life makin' love to youI got to be a loverHave mercyWell, well, I worked all day as hard as I canWorked all night, didn't make me a man (forgot to be a lover)Have mercy, oohWhen I realized that you need love tooGonna spend my life makin' love to you (forgot to be a lover)Got to be a lover, babeOoh, have mercy (have mercy)Have mercy, baby (have mercy, baby)

ALL women want is for a man to understand them and what they want and need sexually. So if you want a woman in your life, that is devoted to you and a happy life you will need to put the work in to make sure she is satisfied sexually, and that means building intimacy and knowing how to turn her on and give her the orgasms YOU take for granted.
Lets start with why she stops giving you blow jobs, just for the analogy. Women, I know, I know, he should also be eating your pussy too, but just read on.
Pay attention and follow along...
If she thinks this is just how sex is (never being satisfied) then, as I've said, she will start looking for alternate pleasure routes (food) and get fat and then YOU will pull away. And then she will feel resentments and stop blowing you.

If she gave great blowjobs before the wedding, then a few years in, she stops doing it for YOU, your communication and attention to her, has hit a snag. Women who love giving head, enjoy it.

Look i was in a 3 yr BDSM relationship, He was an inch shorter then me, portly, was a retired NY Cabby. But i did things for Him that i said id never do. 5 out of the 10 things i had on my subby NEVER checklist, i did with Him, and one was Our/our first act. i wanted to blow him as often as i could, my whole body would tingle wanting to do it, my hands and mouth would get horny! His voice was like William Shatners.

You know why? Because in a BDSM relationship they must be 100000% honest with each other, you hafta tell each other EVERYTHING! We/we kept nothing from each other. i told Him all my secrets, my fantasies. Everything
E V E R Y T H I N G!! 
i was wide open emotionally and vulnerable on purpose.

That's what INTIMACY is......
We/we also had negotiated everything in Our/our relationship and We/we knew Our/our roles within the "bedroom" and out. ill reveal one more thing, against my better judgement (But i am the Queen of TMI). My Dominant could talk to me in such a way that i swear i could cum without being touched. And that is because He knew me so deeply.
(Why We/we aren't still together at bottom*)
This is what INTIMACY means. A deeper connection than just, "How was your day?"

So my question is, how well do you know your wife? Wives how well do you know your husband?

Aside from the anatomy issue the weirdest thing I ever saw in relationships is when a spouse says to their friends, "I'm afraid to tell him/her this or that......."

Ive seen women posting on womens/mommy boards saying that they experience pain with intercourse and they are too scared to tell their hubby! WHAT THE FUCK!!!!???  No wonder women have Wine Thirty and drink wine and turn into Karens.  Other women say things like, "My hubby is spending all our money on gambling, I'm trying to be a good submissive wife (shes a Catholic) but I'm having trouble paying the bills!"  
What in the actual fuck????

Look, I'm a sexually submissive woman and I speak up about shit. 
The first time I got whipped, I stopped it 2 minutes in cause I was being poked in the upper chest by the quill of the down feathers in my pillow, and it was distracting. He was glad I spoke up cause He wanted my first experience to be good and 100% focused on Him and what He was doing.


If you are in a relationship and you come upon something you are afraid to tell them, then figure out WHY you are afraid, and work that out before it festers and becomes an open wound

Note: If you afraid to tell him/her things from the beginning you are already committing TO LYING IN YOUR RELATIONSHIP. Think about that!

If you cant be open and honest from jump, from the first date to marriage and beyond with a person you swap body fluids with and move in with, then why? Why spend on average $25,000 to get married? Spend that on a vacation, a dildo/vibrator or an Accujack/Fleshlight and call it a day!

Because you are both afraid. It's all fear. And if you are afraid to be honest and tell the truth with your hubby, you do not have a marriage, you're just roomies, break up.
I hear guys saying all the time, "People will think I'm weak if I do that" ....I've heard a Popular YouTuber say that he was emasculated when his GF left him for another woman"
"Establishing intimacy with your wife is not weak if it strengthens a marriage and makes your wife hot for you"
"Maybe she left him cause a woman can give her an orgasm?"   just being honest.

Just like these Meatballs are embarrassed at the drug store check out to be seen buying menstrual products!
They should be waving them in the air on the street, "I GOTTA WOMAN!" Be proud you got a woman, a lot of men don't....

Lets discuss SEX

Women lets talk about you, then we will return to men....A lot of the same women who are not having orgasms and not blowing their hubbies, bought that 50 Shades Of Grey book in droves! And giggled going to the movie with their friends. They made it a blockbuster film. What does that tell you?
It tells you that those 75%ers are starving for some good hot sex, and aren't getting it from their husbands.

Lemme tell you the top 4 secret fantasies of MEN:

Same Sex Encounters
Dominating Someone or Being Dominated
Public Sex 

What are the top 4 secret fantasies of WOMEN?

Same Sex Encounters
Dominating someone or Being Dominated
Public Sex

So, you all wanna get freaky, but you hide it, afraid of what people think of you or what the spouse will think. Suffering in silence. Wanting a hot sex life and you never getting it cause of your goddamn pride and fear of being judged for being a slut or you men being seen as weak...
So men are afraid of being bullied for being weak, so they don't do what they want and women are afraid of being called a Bossy cunt or a slut, so everyone is scared of being bullied for the things we all want!

For women to stop being judged for being sluts, whores, freaks, easy etc you have TO STOP JUDGING YOURSELF FIRST. Stop judging other women for wanting and getting the sex you deep inside want. Billie Eilish is allowed to date who ever she fucking wants. Even if hes 85 yrs old! Women tend to judge others for things they aren't happy with in themselves.
Note: I am not ashamed of anything I did sexually. EXCEPT for being with my sons father. We were 100% INCOMPATIBLE.
And women make up your goddamn minds! 
You women are feeding into this "men who cry aren't sexy" myth because YOU think that your husband needs to be the strong one for you so you can rely on him. WHAT A BUNCH OF FUCKING BULLSHIT! Your husband is making himself sick keeping all his emotions inside and isn't protecting SHIT if hes never at home or sick.

I was watching some comedian who said that men get ANGRY, because they can't show emotion, so ALL emotions come out as anger or violence.

Instead of crying, they get angry
Instead of admitting they are depressed or anxious, they get angry
Instead of expressing themselves verbally, they get angry
Instead of being vulnerable, they get angry

Men are always mentally prepared for a fight, whether from a home intruder, a man on the street, drunk guy at a bar staring at his girlfriend, or guy he reported to HR at work...

Men are therefore scared to be VULNERABLE.

Women? You're feeding into the Cowboy Cosplay thing too, by not letting him be vulnerable at home with you, and then you bitch that he isn't "TALKING TO YOU ENOUGH!"

Let him be vulnerable with you. If he cries during a movie that's hot, if he lays around the house sobbing for 4 months cause Dale Earnhardt Sr died, he needs therapy.

Lets talk to you men......
I grew up in the 70s, no Father I knew went out all weekend golfing or had a mancave. In Japan, once you have kids, its frowned upon for adult parents to do things singles do, you are now a Family Man, and you do Family Things.

In the 70s-80s- 90s young adult men were happy playing the field, being single, not wanting to settle down with a wife and kids, but nowadays young adult men are losing their shit over girls. Men are killing women over break ups, but when they get married they abandon her to play with their guy friends. I think its because they are too immature and still wanna have playtime. Get your playtime with the guys over before getting married.

Every woman out here knows that what I'm about to say is 100% accurate, but I think women put up with it cause they either don't know what to do to fix it, or it is just status quo. Everytime a man says, "I'm gonna go work on some stuff in the mancave/shed/garage or I'm going out to play golf today" the woman dies a little inside cause she knows hes trying to avoid HER and their kids.

It's one thing to go golfing once in awhile, or go work on a hobby in a mancave/shed once in awhile but what men need to get is that when YOU go off to that mancave everyday, or go golfing every weekend, it's marital abandonment. 

Do you think WOMEN, just because of mere genetics or for some CODE OF PUSSY OWNERSHIP, enjoy being with the kids 24/7 or mopping, or loading/unloading the dishwasher, or scrubbing grass stains out of kids pants? IT ALL FUCKING BLOWS! Its mindless, thankless shit. We all hate it. Yet you men (who cant give us an orgasm, with your countless low effort quickies) seem to think we LOVE IT!
We don't. You tell us you love us, marry us, then stick us with chores for your stupid hobbies that have no meaning in the marriage.

Guess what Mr Wonderful? Have you ever noticed that YOU are the only gender that still plays with toys when you are a grown up? Sports, Video Games, Go Carts, RC Cars. 
Your woman ain't having an orgasm and you are racing off to nowhere on some NASCAR XBOX Game. You have mighty fast fingers to use those game controllers but are too tired to use them when it comes to your wife's clit!
They've done studies and in the south (USA) in order to be looked at as a GROWN UP, you need to get married and have kids. So that's why people get married too early, and I think that's why the divorce rates higher in the south. 
In the North, we believe you become a Grown Up, when you go to college and get a career going first before you get married and have kids. So you have money so you aren't struggling... And divorces are lower.
That leads me to conclude that Younger Fathers and Hubbies are too immature to sustain being a family man.
Question for men:
Your wife does loads of shit for you, the kids and the house all day long 24/7 365 a year.
Why do you expect a celebration everytime YOU do anything around the house or for the kids?
Does SHE get a celebration everytime she does anything? NO.
Start celebrating what she does for YOU as LOVE that she gives you and give HER love in return.
If you can go to the mountains with your buddies for a week and pick up after yourself and keep the cabin tidy but cant do it at home, WHY? Why aren't you thinking of your family?

The reason why Bill Burr is wrong about why women get paid less than men is bullshit. Men might have to stay behind on the Titanic while the women and kids leave on the rescue boat, BUT men cum so easily. It takes a Titanic Effort for some women to cum, do you know how lonely we feel when you abandon us for a silly hobby? How unfulfilled we feel sexually?

Men kill their own marriages by not being mature adults.
Where I blame MEN is when they lie and fake that they really want a family, then abandon their wives and kids when they are at home...

Example: If you and your wife have a baby and you suddenly spend more and more time away from home that means you don't enjoy parenthood or family life... This is where I do agree with Bill Burr.

Admit it!!! 
You should not have more kids and you should let her go, you don't enjoy having kids so split up, find a woman who doesn't want kids and focus your money on travel. Buy a tiny house Skooly and travel, Maybe if you get all your adventure out of the way you will finally be happy to be HOME? Then you will enjoy kids. Life will be different for her cause shes now a single mom, but at least she can find someone who will cherish her and not be with a man who is constantly looking over his shoulder to the road outside and freedom for himself.

Same goes for YOU women! 
If you have ONE child and find it wasn't for you, leave the kid with the hubby and go off and be childfree and make both of you happy.

So, lets get into the big question....why do women watch gay porn and what can straight men learn from it?
My Personal Research

So, for the past (almost) 3 years, Ive been having fantasies in my head about a famous male acting duo. Im gonna try hard to be very anonymous here, and not ID them. Because I think they have had at least a few kisses or a romp in an on set trailer... The reason I love these 2 men, is their dynamic, on screen and off, one is quiet and the other isn't. In joint video interviews something always seems to be sexually and sensually afoot.

So almost 3-1/2 years ago today, this month, I was surfing the internet and, look, I never took notice of them before (I wasn't even a fan. All I look up is Letterman, Elton John, True Crime and Cooking) I see the quiet one alone on a talk show discussing the duo on an interview, and the quiet ones subconscious hand motions when certain questions were asked about the loud one just confirmed it for me.


He was making intercourse motions with his finger and other hand, EVERYTIME HE TALKED ABOUT THE OTHER ACTOR!!!! So much so that the YouTube channels owner made that the thumbnail.

Then I googled them after being intrigued and see a pic of them in public and the quiet one is looking at the loud one with such deference and love. I don't think they knew the pic was being taken.

But look,

I hate fan fiction!

I Hate It!

I looked at one once and it scarred me deeply! OMG!


Dear Male Fan Fiction writers, Look, a woman's pussy ain't called a LOVE TUNNEL! 

Yes! One of the writers did say that! lol


Anyway, however, when its my own Fan Fiction, it's an entirely different matter. I can write great erotica, so Fan Fiction was just an extension!

So, as with all the erotica I've written over the years, the Acting Duos Fan Fiction story that I started writing was what I'd call sexually intense. Intense because the energy and dynamic and interaction was intensely personal, intensely emotional and intensely vulnerable.

Because that's the way I feel they are. Quiet one is definitely the bottom.

So a few years ago when I started writing this fan fiction about these two actors, it started becoming a real story and I considered posting it to Fan Fiction.com. BUT when it became a BDSM story (as my erotic stories always do) I knew that the fans of the quiet actor would KILL ME if they read that the loud character whipped the quiet one. The quiet one is BELOVED around the world. So I discarded their real names, and looked on Google images for stock photos of people who I thought the two men in my story would look like. Then I sanded down the identifying stories and the two original actors were removed and it became a fictional gay BDSM story. It is now NOT Fan Fiction. Just plain fiction. It's no longer about the original 2 actors at all. I have created 2 unique characters and I'm deeply in love with both of them.
SO, In looking for Stock Photos for the characters, I accidentally started to watch gay BDSM porn.

I'm still watching gay BDSM porn even tho my novel is finished. I watch because of the two creators I watch. Because of the romance and tenderness and personalities. It's more like a real life soap opera. Ive never seen this in any heterosexual porn ever. It is some of the most vulnerable, romantic, tender porn Ive ever seen, and my Dad had Keys to the Playboy Clubs and was a swinger before my parents met. Ive seen plenty of porn. Anyway, let's remove the BDSM aspect of the porn I've been watching, and only focus on purely gay porn for the purposes of THIS demonstration.

What straight men can learn from watching gay porn, is the following:
GAY PORN is more realistic and Gay porn is a bigger turn on then seeing the same old same old boring bullshit formulaic hetero porn, based on bullshit false gender identity roles.
This statement is the KEY to this entire post:

1) Most Gay porn is just intensely personal and emotional and passionate without a shred of pretense.

Theres no pretense with gay men, 
They don't have to deny their emotions. or not be vulnerable. They also, by nature of gaydom, have always been curious about sex and have read and talked to others a lot, so they aren't as clueless as heterosexual men. They don't have religious worries or hafta maintain a false virginal mask. So gay porn, and by extension gay sex is PURE.
Straight women identify with the gay bottoms in porn and want their men to behave more like gay Tops.
2) Gay male bottoms and tops BOTH can understand one anothers positions along their gay journey, cause most bottoms topped at one time and most tops bottomed even of it was just that once in college drunk.
Newsflash: Heterosexual Men!!!
This is not the same as your Girlfriend doing it cowgirl style. 
You know why?
Cowgirl still is penetration. 
Men are always TOPS in a heterosexual relationship!
3) Gay men are upfront from the beginning about who they are sexually and what they are into. And they are not self conscious or scared of what others might think if they say they are into a specific sex act that HETEROS will be shamed into hiding! Go read gay men's twitter accounts or read their message boards or personal ads. You will see them list exactly who they are temperamentally and sexually. And other gays don't make them feel ashamed of who they are. They CELEBRATE each other. They even celebrate and elevate men with small cocks...
Gay men DO NOT SLUT SHAME, THEY CELEBRATE SLUTS!  The Top in one of my fave gay MONOGAMOUS PG Rated couples on YouTube loves when his bottom dances on a pole at clubs, loves it when he gets a little slutty CAUSE HE WANTS A SEXUAL PARTNER THAT HE CAN HAVE FUN WITH. He treats his partner (bottom) like a slutty princess, loves him, sits back and lets him be a special glittery nymphet. You can't have a hot fulfilling sex life when a woman is being kept in a Nunnery or a barn (women aren't cattle for breeding) A lot of men want a Matte Pious wife. But playing the part of a Matte Pious wife doesn't get US horny. A lot of men are intimidated by sexually secure/knowledgeable  women. Why? Don't you wanna have fun?
A lot of straight men, how do I say this, a lot of straight men don't treat their woman like a gift. They treat her like a utility. We are not an Accujack or a Fleshlight or a Real Doll. We deserve a good time too
The reason we like jewelry is not cause its pretty, but because it shows we are valued
You don't value an Accujack or Fleshlight. You use it and toss it in a drawer and walk away, the way you do when you come in at the end of the night and want a quickie. Fuck us and go to sleep ..
Gay Tops are elevated and desired by bottoms 
Gay bottoms are elevated and desired by Tops
The reason women made 50 Shades of Grey a blockbuster series Movie and Book is because in women's hearts is the desire to be loved, admired, desired, coveted and wanted. We want to be hot and sexy and we want to have passion...
(I personally wanna be owned and ravished)  

Some of you men don't value us and treat us like a fleshlight.
Men? I'm gonna give you a visual:
Look at what you CHERISH most of all...?
You get very upset when something happens to your car or truck.
You know why? You put LOTS of work into your vehicles!
You work very hard and save up a lot of money to buy it, you spend time fixing it up, you spend
lots of money buying new parts and do dads for it and you wash it and wax it every weekend.
Why aren't you doing the same for your woman? What gets US horny is being treated like a Hot Sexual Princess, not a breeding factory, not a fleshlight, not just a body.

Jack Nicholson in this movie, treats CHER like a sexual woman. Hes telling her he sees her as a sexual woman and knows shes lost in the monotony of housework and Motherhood and thats why she cries and gives into him even tho hes a chubby old man. He makes her feel SEEN.

4) Gay men are very in touch with themselves sexually, because they are gay and gay men read and talk and discuss sex with people a lot. They KNOW sex and themselves far better then straight insular men.
They also don't worry about religious nonsense or what society or their friends think. 
You all are so scared of exploring your sexuality (sexuality in this case doesn't mean straight or gay) For fucks sake, if someone puts anything near your ass, you will lose sleep over wondering if you like things in your ass if that means you are gay. 
My Dominant was a Dominant, he was straight and so comfortable with himself that he loved and accepted it when I bought a lotion warmer, filled it with lube, and fingered him and blew him at the same time with nice warm lube. You straight men are missing out on wonderful sensations. 💋
Straight men don't read a lot now that all the porn is on the internet and not in Intellectual magazines like Playboy and Penthouse Forum (note at bottom)... They have porn and their friends. And if their friends are just as clueless as them, they will learn NOTHING. Men are afraid to go to the Drs when they get sick. Do you think they will discuss their inner feelings and sex issues?
Women are more like gay men, in that they read romance novels, self help books, talk to their friends. explore their sexuality.

What should straight men do?
Read sex books, BOTH male and female romance novels, get to know YOURSELF sexually. Drop your biases. 
5) Quit equating certain sex acts with being a pussy or weak.........Gay men are not all alike. Yes there are some gay men who are thin and small and sweet and soft and there are also gay men who look like this.
Big, Muscle bound, huge guys that can knock you out.
There are also straight men who are thin, small and soft too and straight men who are big and buff and can knock you out. So if you think that anything gay men do is weak or the fact that they can be vulnerable with other men exposes you to be attacked, You are 1000000% wrong! Men who want to be Dominated are NOT weak or pussies! Gay men are not pussies or weak! I have known many, many submissive men who went off to war in Iraq in the US military, who returned home HIGHLY DECORATED.  My favorite Gay BDSM Porn creator was in the US Military, a lot of gay men were/are. 
You are NOT a pussy or weak if you are a straight submissive man or a gay male. You are a weak pussy if you hide who you are and don't go after it. It means you are a scared lil pussy living a life of quiet desperation.

Lemme tell you what, go up to Elton John or Boy George, call them weak pussies, Elton John has bone crushing hand and arm and upper body strength from 73 years of playing piano, he will punch you ONCE, you will go down and be out.
Boy Georges Dad was a BOXER and trained all his sons to BOX, Boy George will also have you TKOed.
The only difference is that they might CRY after doing it to you.

So the best piece of advice is to stop limiting YOURSELF in sex and life, by stupid untrue stereotypes.
6) Gay men are in touch with their feminine and masculine sides. So they intrinsically understand what it takes to both give pleasure and receive pleasure.
The erotic novel I wrote is full of strategic sexual phrasing and pointed language to arouse men and women (again, women watch a great deal of gay porn) ...
I once had phone sex with a submissive man. I didn't enjoy it, but he certainly did, and the reason I was able to provide him with that experience was cause I am a submissive myself and knew all the right phrases to use. I think the phrase "Finish him off" really got him. Cause as soon as I said it, he came. LOL
(Hi Jeff!)
So try very very hard to understand what WOMEN want, what turns THEM on. Buy some women authored BDSM and Vanilla Romance novels where the woman in the story is a submissive, and really really get into the book and try and get into the mindset of the female character.  Try to understand what makes a woman tick and try and apply it to your sex life. Fulfill her fantasies.

However, maybe you men have a secret sex fantasy of being Dominated.
If you want a woman to mother you in your sex life and relationship and SHE also likes that, then no problem... BUT please understand this: Women don't wanna involuntarily be forced into Mothering their partner, because that's pedophilia/incest and it's ICKY. Be a grown up.
7) Lastly, Gay Male Porn is far more full of TENDERNESS and Caring then Straight Porn.
Most gay porn sees BOTH partners whether they are the Top or the bottom, getting off and ensuring they both have orgasms.
See the Top, being loving and tender so the bottom can cum?
Josh Moore is a very sweet bottom, but buff and muscly and both these men are over 6'2" 
Lets return to the beginning of this post...To tie it all together...
If 75% of all women aren't being sexually satisfied due to their anatomy.......
And they don't know this cause no one tells them, then they will think they just don't enjoy sex and then add religious sexual oppression to the picture and a husband who definitely doesn't understand this and has his own sexual hang ups from peers opinions of him as a man and oppression from society as well. And then you also bring in scanty education and the increasing divide between men and women and you have a very dysfunctional sexual relationship where NO ONE IS HAPPY OR GETTING THEIR NEEDS MET.
And men and women have been going on like this for MILLENNIA.
From that initial sexual spark
To flirting
To dating
To getting married
To buying their first house
To having their first kids
To Heterosexual Bed Death, 
To Frustrations
To Cheating
To Divorce
And all the Blue Bunny Ice Cream and Macho Bullshit isn't fixing it.
 so how about trying something new. 

The Native Americans valued Gays, Trans and Gender Fluid people, because when the men in their tribes and the women in their tribes were having disagreements, they would go to the gay or gender fluid members of their tribe and ask what THEY would do.
Gays and Gender Fluid people in Native America were referred to as 
Meaning they have Two Spirits (Male and Female) and they were highly admired as mystics
because they could see both sides of gender issues and could help solve issues.
So, that's what you straight men can learn from watching Gay Porn
Real solutions, not religious and societal nonsense that drives men and women farther apart.

So now that we've found out that the reason women love gay porn is because 
Its Realistic
Its unpretentious
Its full of true, not fake, romance and tenderness
Its very intimate
Theres no fake virginity bullshit
Theres no judgement and everything is wide open (no pun intended)
And everything is upfront.


They Both Understand Each Other And Know What Each Other Needs And Wants!

So what do women really want?

That's my next post...

Go watch some Gay Porn, have a big talk with your girl, and LEARN something...

 The thing that saddens me is that the very men who need to be reading all this wont read it ever. They don't have the capacity to change.

But until then, start opening up to your spouse, tell them your fantasies and desires, quit caring about anything but your marriage.

* My Dominant had twin sons and he moved here to be with me. But one day his ex wife called and told him their sons were having stomach issues and after the Doctors visit that turned into being diagnosed with a horrible genetic issue and he then moved back to be with them, because theyd need round the clock care, then my son started having issues at school and we couldnt make it work long distance and then he died and I did too. Saddest day of my life. I miss him all the time. I loved Him so much. 💓
Sir: Precious? Did I ruin you for all other men?
Preesi: Yes yes you did Sir, yes you did. 💧

About Playboy. Playboy was an intellectual magazine. Playboys original reason for being was Hugh Hefner thought that Good Girls loved sex too and he wanted to educate men on how to make yourself a better, more educated, more cultured man so you could be WORTHY of the Girl Next Doors company. He elevated women and told men to elevate themselves. It was a noble idea, But all this mass produced crap porn came out and diluted the message and forced Playboy to compete. And Playboy and Hugh took a bad dive.
















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