"We told you all so!"

Ive struggled with wanting to post about this topic...
After all too much of this story lead to some of my PTSD. 
Here it goes...
 First, lets play catch up,
In 2004 my therapist met my Mom and diagnosed her with NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) 
and after that all my childhood and adulthood woes became crystal clear and I started to feel better and not hate myself or blame myself for shit and I started to no longer accept abuse from others.
I spent years in introspection and after that I can now ID most people and their personalities.
It happens a lot in people who have therapy.

SO, In 2007, I was flipping thru the channels and I saw this show called 
Surviving Sextuplets and Twins.
I started watching it in HORROR!
Here was this blonde Karen type woman with the reverse mullet treating her one child Maddy, the same way my mom treated me. 
And I was panicked!
Because there were 8 kids! EIGHT to destroy.
I identified this "Karen" as a person with NPD immediately. And so I did one of the dumbest things Ive done in my life!
I searched the internet for her name, "Kate Gosselin" and I came across 2-3 websites discussing her.
And most intelligent, reasonable people were in concurrence with my POV.
One of those sites was TWOP (the now defunct Television Without Pity) boards.
Around that same time I posted my infamous 3 Kate Gosselin Chapters, to my own message board.
On TWOPs Gosselin boards, insiders started posting things THEY were alarmed with.
Neighbors, Anonymous Friends, Old Coworkers, and then Aunt Jodi's sister Julie Brown.
(Aunt Jodi is Kates brothers wife)
Every single person that posted, validated our suspicions.
Well, around that time Kate got her lawyers to shut the board down.
So one of us created a private board and out of that GWOP (Gosselins With Out Pity) was created.
I was the one responsible for getting the National Enquirer to publish the first 2 stories on the Gosselins.
I even drove to the house to confirm rumors.
I was happy GWOP was created. Even though I had the first Gosselin watchdog board, I was never comfortable with publicity, or even having members.
 I prefer to work behind the scenes, I guess its part of being raised as the scapegoat to my sisters Golden Child.
Eventually the owner of GWOP rejected a few of my ideas and so I started posted regularly on my own site.
When 4 people started posting on my board, I had panic attacks daily. Even now Im getting flutters of anxiety thinking about it. Now I was responsible for 4 people and what they thought and posted.
I couldnt handle it and would think about running away from the board.

I have always had a knack for seeing things and observing things.
The Gosselins were no exception.
My board had a few very observant scoops
The fact that Kates Healthtex childrens clothing line was cancelled and sent overseas.
When her Cookbook publication was cancelled
The fact that Steve, Kates bodyguard, took Kates pap photos himself, cause no one in Australia knew them and thus no paps would be in Australia to pap them, so Kate had to pap herself, in spite of telling her fans that she hated Paps.
I would buy, scan and post all the tabloid stories before anyone else.
I have info I cannot publish.
I was a rabid anti Kate alarmist.
My site got to 6 million views.
I had people from Entertainment Tonight following me on Twitter among others.
And throughout it all I hated every minute of it.

I hate reality tv, I think its damaging to viewers. Its damaging to society, feminism and younger people.
I would never watch Jon and Kate Plus 8 if I wasnt trying to stay abreast of the abuses that were going on in that household and trying to get the kids a better set of circumstances.

The fans however, thought we were all jealous of Kate and wanted what she had, So, they attacked us, ran daily or hourly searches on us and sent bad people after us.

No one in my life stood up for me against my abusive mother, so in spite of all the attacks and hate we were getting, I STOOD FIRM.

Because the Original 3 Chapters on my site, "My Case Against Kate Gosselin" were dead on accurate about Kate. She thought I was getting all my info from Jon.
I was not. Im just observant and I listen to what people say.
For example: 
When Kate says she had fertility issues and had the twins via IUI, then switched Doctors to have the sextuplets, I knew she didnt have PCOS or fertility issues. There was also a telling exchange between her and Jon at the wrap up corner portion of the show once that made me suspicious.

Anyway, around 2012-2013 a tell all book from a Robert Hoffman came out and it 100000000000% confirmed everything in my 3 chapters, including the fact that Kate engineered all these kids and did not have fertility issues.

Kate then sued Robert Hoffman, Jon and also included 20 Jane Does on the lawsuit. Im certain I was one of those Jane Does.

Late in 2013 I was diagnosed with prediabetes (bad genes from my Mother) and was slipping into PTSD (finally diagnosed with CPTSD in 2016) and my son was having issues so I decided to have my site host (Lefora.com)  make a mirror of my site and give it over to my members and kicked everyone out and privated my site and left twitter for 2 years. I also blocked everyone from my twitter, friend and foe.

The best decision EVER!
I miss my one admin Tam, but I had to do it for my sanity and health.

I stayed away from EVERYONE and the entire Gosselosphere since 2013.
Never spoke about it anywhere and did not read any news on the Gosselins.
I wasnt hearing anything negative so I assumed that either nothing was leaking out (Carla's protections again!*) or nothing truly was happening. I was happy if nothing was happening! My only reason for being involved was to save these kids from what I went thru. So if they TRULY were not affected by their crazy abusive narc mom, I was HAPPY!
Until recently, when I heard the news about Collin, then Hannah, then all the shit Jon was saying, I looked at fan twitters and EVERYONE OF THEM WERE DEAD SILENT, Including BMs twitter.

I hope all of the fans can understand this next statement:

When people have more experience with child abuse and narcissistic parenting try to inform you about it going on in a famous family, you should look to THOSE people to inform you, because they are experts! Rather than poo pooing them, attacking them and causing MORE pain and helping to enable the narc-Mother to abuse them more.
When you saw the Collin Gum episode you should have been just as alarmed as we were.
When you saw Kate slapping Jon, that should have made you switch channels.
When you saw the kids being hit on the Dutch Wonderland epi, you should have walked away.
When you saw Jons fathers sentimental items being thrown away by Kate you should have walked away.
When you saw Collin or Aaden sitting on the potty and Kate turning off the lights and walking out leaving him alone in the dark, you should have lambasted her for CRUELTY
When you heard all the insiders tell you this woman was crazy, you should have listened.
When you heard the dog story you should have PROTESTED.
( I quit watching in 2008)
My teachers, family friends, my Aunt and Uncle on my mothers side and friends parents KNEW what I was going thru with my crazy mother and did NOTHING. 

WE tried to stop the snowball effect, but you kept making it heavier.
Making Kate Gosselin Shrines?


Everything we said was gonna happen has happened!
Everything that has happened is YOUR FAULT.

 "You Bought An Edsel!"

You put all your energies behind a LEMON!
At the expense of 8 innocent kids.

And just like me, NONE of those 8 innocent kids can get any of their childhood back, they probably will have CPTSD like me and never feel NORMAL in any setting.
I am profoundly dysfunctional.
Next time a seemingly cute family shows up on Tv dont put all your love behind them.
Employ some scrutiny for once.
And listen to EXPERTS like me.
I know you are probably feeling shame in yourself for putting all your love and fanaticism behind Kate, but she was what we said she was.
But its not too late. 
Im feeling very sorry for the 6 that remain with Kate, that they are losing their house and having to move out of state and away from their school and friends so Kate can film them yet again in a state with no Child Labor protections.


Do it!

Tell her to stop, tell her you will not support anymore shows with her in it and especially NOT with the kids!
Look at the Duggars and HoneyBooBoo. Look at the Teen Mom show.
Reality Tv does NOT produce healthy outcomes, and especially when the star is a narcissist.
Dont let it get worse!

Or you will be complicit in their suffering!

*Carla told Mady that the negatives of being on Tv were her "cross to bear"!
As Ive said for years, eventually Kate will do this

25. As a last resort she goes pathetic. When she’s confronted with unavoidable consequences for her own bad behavior, including your anger, she will melt into a soggy puddle of weepy helplessness. It’s all her fault. She can’t do anything right. She feels so bad. What she doesn’t do: own the responsibility for her bad conduct and make it right. Instead, as always, it’s all about her, and her helpless self-pitying weepiness dumps the responsibility for her consequences AND for her unhappiness about it on you. As so often with narcissists, it is also a manipulative behavior. If you fail to excuse her bad behavior and make her feel better, YOU are the bad person for being cold, heartless and unfeeling when your poor mother feels so awful.

From this page


Additionally, I was cleaning out my attic and found the box of all the Gosselin Tabloid Scans and whoever wants em can have em.

 This will be my only comment on this subject... 


The 3 Chapters.





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