Why I Have Made The Decision To Become A Pagan


Recently I took the Meyers Briggs test and discovered that I was an INFJ.
What that means for me, is that I always feel misunderstood and Im incredibly observational.
It is that observationalism that made me reject Christianity and decide to re-establish the religion of my ancestors, Paganism.
This is the same spiritual belief system that created Stonehenge.

I am a white female with ancestral heritage to the British Isles.

I have Scottish, Irish and British heritage.

I was raised Catholic and my Father was Protestant.

I consider myself to be very woke. 

The majority of my time online is spent with people who are multicultural. From my Native Hawaiian friend to my black friends to my Asian friends. What I realized is that all the indigenous people of the earth are all spiritually deeper, and in tune to the world than the people I know from the 3 Abrahamic faiths.

Yesterday morning, after 4-1/2 years of supposed "Christian Conservative *Goodness*" from the Trumpers, I was struck by the realization that so many Christians have done so much harm and have nothing but hate for nature. From big game hunting, to ExxonValdez, to Flint water, to keeping cannabis illegal, to CAGING Mexican babies to TRUMP. Lets not forget the murders and rapes in a so called "peaceful loving" god's name. Im no longer gonna say, "love Christ, hate the Christians", as Christs father God, killed people and babies in the Bible. And like it or not Jews and Muslims have both, also, done some horrible things as well...


So yesterday morning I also realized that as a descendant of ancestors from the British Isles, my true religion should have been Paganism all along. When the crusades came thru and violently murdered, raped and pillaged the British Isles (and many other lands) to convert them to Christianity, that should have shown us they were no loving caring religion. NO descendant of the British Isles should be Christian. None of us! It was FORCED on us, to stop us from thinking for ourselves and being in tune with nature.

The Crusades in many countries violently forced Christianity on peaceful nature loving people, from the British Isles, to Australia, to Turtle Island (the USA and Canada) to Mexico and South America. and also Africa thru the slave trade.


Whites with ancestry from the British Isles have lost their way due to Christianity. They have been stripped of any deep spiritual culture. They allow the rape of the land and worship consumerism. Their Jesus was against money changers, and they celebrate his birthday with CONSUMERISM! Fundamentalist Evangelical Christian MommyVloggers rape the land by having so many kids and taxing the ecosystems. 

From the research of many people over the years, people have discovered the truth about who Jesus was. You can research it yourself, the truth is out there. But basically Jesus was not the son of god, or the son of Mary and Joseph nor was he born in a manger. This combined with the fact that the bible is completely wrong about the Earths Origin Story AND the way that peaceful indigenous people all over the world were raped, murdered and pillaged to convert them into Christianity, leads me to only ONE conclusion...

That conclusion is that Christianity is a lie, Jesus is a lie and people should get closer to nature and their rightful spirituality/religions of their pre-Abrahamic religious ancestry.

 So I have chosen Paganism for all of the above and also the following reasons:

1) Paganism is feminist

2) Paganism is natural and doesnt run from science

3) Paganism is not afraid of sex.

4) Paganism is not discriminatory. Gays are welcomed.

5) Paganism is not an Authoritarian Religion.

6) Paganism doesnt kill a womans spirit

7) Paganism is better for the people who raise kids in Paganism, cause kids in Paganism are not raised with shame or austerity. They are raised to be good citizens of the earth.

Note: Pagans do not worship SATAN, Lucifer or the Devil. All 3 of those are Abrahamic Religious concepts. IE. if you are a Christian YOU believe and put weight into SATAN.


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