Funko Pop Culture Club

 Jon looks a little pissed off.
Culture Club 1982 What I was going for

Boy George
Lydia Deetz (this FP is expensive)
White thin fabric
The braids from this doll
Assorted Embroidery Thread
Fun trinkets to place in the head, before putting the hat back on
Black Marker
Red, Yellow, light blue, and white paint
Water Decal Printer Sheets

Soak Lydias head off and remove the hat, let cool
Place Shrinky Dink Trinkets in his head *
Sand off the bangs chin strap and eyebrows, be careful you dont sand thru the head.
Glue two strips of white fabric on either side of the forehead in an upside down V pattern
Carefully cut 6 strands of braids from the doll wig, glue together with crazy glue to bond, then brush out the braids to get straight hair,
Glue this to the center of forehead, then glue on on the hat
 Set aside

Soak off Kurapikas head.
trim off chain
Paint the white shirt and outfit black, set aside to dry

Carefully cut off enough braids to cover the back plastic hair and to show on his chest.
Line them up on wax paper (4-1/2 inches wide)
Cut asst colors of embroidery thread to be colorful additions to the braids and lay them out on the braids, CRAZY GLUE IT ALL TOGETHER AT THE ROOT
Then attach it around the head, while the glue is still damp.
Trim bottoms.

Either freestyle his face or
Make a water transfer decal of this pic
That fits the face
Then only apply the eyebrows and lips
Do his eye make up then
Coat with matte clear nail polish

Put the head on the body and you are

Jon Moss
The dark haired figurine from Pop Katayanagi Twins 2018 NYCC Fall Convention Exclusive Limited Edition 
White Paint or WiteOut 
Red and black paint for shirt
Beige and dark brown paint for Vivienne Westwood Boots

Soak off the head and set aside.
Paint the white tshirt arms
then paint the shirt red and vertical black stripes
paint the shoes beige, the add brown criss crosses
Put the head back on

Roy Hay
The head from Rick Flairs figurine
Funko Andy Bernard body
AC/DC Guitar
Red and black paint for shirt
Black and blue paint for pants
Beige and dark brown paint for Vivienne Westwood Boots

Soak off the head and carefully pry the banjo out of his hands
Soak the guitar out of the AC/DC characters hands and set aside
Paint the shirt red then add black stripes
Paint teh pants black with dark blue mottling
Paint the shoes to look like Vivienne Westwoods boots 
Glue the guitar back in place
Put the head back on

Mikey Craig
Power Rangers - Black Ranger Head
AC Slater Body
White, Red, Brown and Grey paint for outfit
Beige and dark brown paint for Vivienne Westwood Boots
This strip or muslin fabric

Soak the head off the power rangers and the AC Slater body
Carefully cut the duffle bag out of ACs hand
Paint the shirt and pants white, then add red, black, and grey splotches all over
Paint the shoes dark brown and cris cross with beige
Glue on the strip of muslin
Put the head back on

To soak off the heads; place them in boiling water for 3 mins, then take out with tongs and the heads pull off easily

Shrinky Dink Trinkets for Boy Georges head

I put Ziggy Stardust
A cuppa tea
A Happy Penis
Jon Moss
His Hassidic Hat
A Rainbow flag

Shrinky Dink Ink Jet Printer Paper 

The Its A Miracle Non Playable record/game board can be purchased on eBay, Amazon and Discog

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