How Trump got a hold of America.



 How Trump got a hold of America.

The USA was founded by Liberal Deists. They believed in a God, but not in any religion. President Washington smoked pot, had no kids. Benjamin Franklin wasn't married to his live in 6 time BabyMomma, loved beer and founded a street in Philly where all the hippies met and all the hedonistic fun happened (South Street) President Jefferson was in love with his slave Sally Hemings who was black* etc etc etc.
All of these people lived in the big cities, because that's where all the Ideas, excitement, colleges and businesses were.

However there were a few families who came to this country who settled in the rural southern areas and started to farm.

These Rural Areas didn't have any ideas or excitement. Just farms. Farms, Houses, Feed Stores, Tractor Stores, One Room Schools, General Stores and CHURCHES.

Farming usually requires children to quit school at 14 to work on the farms.
Can you see where this is going?

Churches in the rural south become EVERYTHING to the rural communities.
They are THE place to gather.......
Need a place to hold a meeting? CHURCH!
Need clothes, or housewares cause your house was hit by a tornado? CHURCH!
Need to get hitched? CHURCH!
Need marriage counselling? CHURCH!
Need a place to socialize? CHURCH!
Lose your job, or locusts ate your crops? CHURCH!
If you had a drinking problem? CHURCH!
Your husbands beating you? CHURCH!


If you only have a 6th grade education in a small, poor, one room school, where your teacher also had a 6th grade education, your small rural town will continue to get less and less smart and more prone to religious interference and conspiracies.

IF you are dynamic, creative, ambitious, a thinker or gifted, You don't stay in the rural areas, you leave, you go to the big cities for better opportunities.

Once you get to the big city, you encounter Black people, Hispanics, Asians, Gay People, Trans People, Drag Queens, Assertive Women with Education, Esteemed Doctors, Scientists, Philosophers, Psychologists, Theaters, Stay At Home Dads, Artists, Creatives, People with Kids and no marriages, People with no kids and marriages, People who dress differently than YOU and what you are used to in the rural south. Women have rights.
You encounter people who don't look kindly on people who mistreat people or discriminate.

You get to know all of these people that your church scared you about.
Your neighbors are black and you get to like them, you smoke a cigar with the husband after dinner every Friday. Your kids all play together. You love them like your own.
Your co workers are gay and you get to know them and like them.
Your college mates are Chinese and Hispanic and there's one woman who is trans and you eat at their lunch table and you realize one day that your mates have the same issues as you. 

The big cities are the reverse of the Tower Of Babel. They help people become a melting pot.

At college you got tipsy and let another man shag you. Without people to shame you, you actually don't feel bad about it. It didnt make you feel less of a man. In 20 yrs you bump into him on Fifth Ave and you both smile. You support your cousin who leaves the rural town cause shes gay and you let her live with you till she gets an apartment.
You get married to a city woman and get a 2 bedroom apartment and have 2 daughters who share the 2nd bedroom. You love your life, and can afford vacations and nice things. So when your wife gets pregnant at 40 just when the kids are off to college and marriage, You abort. You've planned for 10 years to travel. Back in Alabama your mom had 16 kids and her life was a huge struggle. You look at abortion as a gift, because you know you'd resent the baby....

You no longer feel the same way as your folks "back home"... You slowly stop attending church.  The city has better ways to deal with all your issues and you don't have to feel guilty all the time and you no longer use the N word.
To be honest, you cringe thinking of Mom and Pop visiting you and speaking the way they do about people who are different around your new friends.

The city is great!

Need a place to hold a meeting? Your office has a spare room or have a meeting at the banquet room at your fave restaurant! Tax Write-off! Win-Win.
Need clothes, or housewares cause your apartment got flooded? Insurance or Thrift Stores or one of a number of aid organizations will help!
Need to get hitched? Church or City Hall or The Park!
Need marriage counselling? Go to a therapist! Get real solutions.
Need a place to socialize? There are thousands of places to go in the city!
Lose your job? Go get Unemployment Insurance then go get retrained for another opportunity! You have multiple job options in the city.
If you had a drinking problem? AA Meetings!
Your husbands beating you? Battered Womens Shelters and Therapy and Divorce!
ETC ETC ETC, The City has everything! And most of the time it's better than CHURCH, and you aren't made to feel guilty and bad when you seek help.

Church doesn't have all the answers for a complex society.

A woman beaten by her husband in the rural south will be told by her church that she should pray and forgive.
A woman beaten by her husband in the city will be told by her therapist that she doesn't need to take it and to leave and get a divorce.**

Back at the rural homestead........
The paranoid Pastor is showing his parishoners pictures of things occurring in the big cities...

They show their flock
Niggas With Attitude saying Fuck The Police
They show educated women discarding their corsets and long hair and wearing Flapper Dresses, lots of make up short hair and smoking
They show Drag Shows
They are alarmed about men wanting to change their sex.
They show museums with anti Christian themes

All these things have logical explanations
The rappers in NWA were being discriminated against and Rap is a protest.
Why should women be uncomfortable and not be able to breathe in a corset? Flapper dresses are far more comfortable, short hair is easier for busy city life and, well, smoking sucks for men and women, so that was dumb, but....
Drag Shows are just for fun. Its not evil. Its not about perversion or anything, its just theater.
Trans people are trying to correct a birth defect, just like people correct a cleft lip or conjoined twins or to correct being born a hermaphroditism. Thats all this IS a birth defect.
If you have been harmed by religious abuse, you have every right to make an anti Christian exhibit to provoke thought. That's all it is, is to make you think in a different way.

The Rural Areas will look at the cities as foreign, bizarre, scary, but they will look at a poor rural Pastor as "trustable and good" even tho in 400 years the USA has been going, none of the southern churches or their word have ever pulled anyone out of poverty and illness aside from Joel Osteens wallet. 

All of our countries culture and new things come from the cities. New things, innovations and new products and services are created in the cities. This is because cities are hotbeds of the countries most dynamic, educated, intelligent people.
The reason the big cities vote liberal, is because cities are hotbeds of the countries most dynamic, educated, intelligent people. They have rejected the problematic thinking that keeps the rural areas poor and uneducated and unprogressed.

The conservativism of the rural south is kept poor and uneducated by the equally poor and uneducated Church and Pastors, fed by conspiracies about the liberals and big cities being evil and going to hell.

The Rural areas have their own MORALs, mostly based on religion, folklore, and conspiracy
But the Cities also have their own morals, based on nature, psychology, law, science and logic and familiarity.

All people on earth want the same things
Safe Happy Loving Family
Good Schools
Clean Safe Communities
Clean, Quality Food and air and water.
Happy marriage
Well adjusted Kids.
Family time
Fun, sun vacations
Dependable job, house and cars.
A good death

All of us, Conservatives, Liberals, Straights, Sex Workers, Church Goers, Atheists, Black people, Hispanics, Asians, immigrants, Gay People, Trans People, Drag Queens, Feminists, Men, Women, Kids, Dogs, Sheep.
We all want those things.
Most people want those things....Most people on earth are traditionalists.

The Pastor in the south wants to go home to his wife and kids, kiss her and play with the kids, eat good food, have a safe nice house and a good life.
The gay man wants to go home from work to his husband, kiss him, share a good meal, watch a movie in a nice safe house and cuddle.
Boy George said "Im gay 6% of my life, the other 94% Im just a person named George!"

Gay people are more conservative than straight men. This includes Boy George, the second most famous Gay man in history.
People in the city want the same things that people in the rural areas do.

The problem is, that the people in the cities have progressed while the rural south hasn't.

And it's endemic in the USA. People who live in rural Europe, are liberal, so why aren't rural Americans liberal? The rural French people have Universal Healthcare so they aren't brainwashed by their Pastor that it's evil they know what is best for their community.

It's also, because all the best and brightest left the south and moved to the cities. The southern rural Pastors and churches are paid by Tithing, Donations and Plate Passing. They have a vested interest in keeping your money coming in and hungry for salvation. They warn you against welfare, taxes, health insurance, Unions, psychology etc etc etc. Yet YOU never get better or get out of poverty. Studies show that if kids eat a bad diet, their brains are stunted forever. Yet the south pushes Mountain Dew and High Carb High Fat foods on the poor areas. This is why they cant see past the rhetoric.

Meanwhile the people in the poor rural south see all these minorities, gays, women, immigrants, people in the liberal cities... getting things, progressing, getting rich, having nice things... This makes the poor rural south ANGRY.
"Why are gay people getting those things?"
"That black woman got an Oscar, I'm jealous"
"Why didn't Prince Harry chose me? Why Meghan. I hate her!"
On and on, on and on and on!

They cannot comprehend that a gay man would be loved by his parents and family and get into med school and become a Dr and have a nice life with nice things. They always think there's a catch.
They cant comprehend that 1 black woman deserved an Oscar over the 5 white women.
They honestly and truly cant see that some taxes to pay for universal health insurance is a great thing. Yet every Sunday they put money in that plate at church and get NOTHING for it. Yet you say, "I'm not paying for other people!" What do you think Church Donations are for? To help poor ppl in your community like godly welfare!!!!!!!!!

And this is why big corporations don't invest in the rural poor south.
Because the poor, religious, conservative, rural south will never think of any ideas for their corporations to make money off of. They don't ADD to companies. They also love to exclude other people that they don't like from things. So they can't get along with people. Meaning that they are a liability, not an asset. They also have sexist beliefs and personalities, and they'd be dealing with HR constantly. They take away from companies!

You keep praying to get out of poverty and illness.
For DECADES now the Democrats have been trying to GIVE YOU THINGS...
Health Insurance
Unemployment Ins
SSD Disability Insurance
Social Security
Clean Air, Water, Food
Safe Communities
Bank Regulations
Great Schools
(All things that the liberals gave this country)

It seems GOD might have answered your prayers, and you wont take any of it! And you call us LIBTARDS?? How dumb are you that you don't want any of the things on that list?

I mean for fucks sake! Go play SIM City or Cities Skylines. All the cities run LIBERALY are successful. Conservative cities don't do well.

So the reason Trump was able to divide this nation was because the poor, conservative, uneducated, paranoid, Bigoted rural southerners, could not GET THAT ITS THEIR WHOLE THINKING, PERSONALITY, IDEAS, AND WAY OF LIFE THAT HAS KEPT THEM POOR.

When your entire party has spent decades keeping you from having the things that would get you out of poverty and have better opportunities in your towns (other then Walmart) you REFUSE them.

You blame liberals for your towns being poor etc. You say we FORGOT YOU! We didn't forget you. You chose to NOT TAKE THE GODDAMN HELP!

So its YOU that is to blame for your own consequences!

That gay man you are angry at for having a nice life and money, went to college, grad school and then went for his Masters and Doctorate to become a Doctor. He worked very hard, he didn't try to take YOUR rights away like you try to take his. During covid, your dumb asses didn't wear a mask and got covid and had to be hospitalized and that Gay man was your Dr. and saved your life.

Yet Trump has stirred them into a froth believing that liberals are evil, We Need More Church... Yeah a billionare who never paid his employees is gonna help you get a job and get rich!

Yeah, stop abortion, so you have more poor sick kids.

And yet WE are Libtards?

*An African American woman wrote a book about Jefferson and Hemings and she said that Thomas was in love with Sally. She could have ran away when he took her to France. Her brother ran away in France, she had ample opportunity to run, but didn't. The President gave her a choice, and she CHOSE to return to Monticello with him and have 5-6 kids.... 

**A man who beats his wife, is insecure and wants to control her, because he thinks shes too good for him and if he kills her spirit, she wont leave...

Boy is that dumb!

Listen up insecure men, youd get far more sex and love if you went to therapy and fixed yourself and stopped the insecurity and treated your woman like she was a fantastic prize and brag about her and encourage her, than beating her and killing the spirit that you were attracted to her for in the beginning.

INSECURITY is NOT SEXY and its NOT ADMIRABLE. No one likes an insecure babyman.


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