Religion Is Bullshit! The Day I Divorced God


Religion Is Bullshit! The Day I Divorced God


 Religion Is Bullshit! The Day I Divorced God


Me, age 7, Dressed For My Wedding to The Lord, 

This is me, the morning of my First Holy Communion.

After this pic was snapped me, my mom, my aunt, my grandma and my sister loaded into the station wagon and drove the 2 miles to the Catholic church.

This is a picture of me age 7 at my First Holy Communion, Im telling the boy in back of me to FUCK OFF! cause he kept stepping on the back of my shoes on purpose. Holy Fuck my feet are huge (size 9 all my life)
I hate the shoes, socks, the stupid itchy lace dress, the nylon slip underneath, and I hated that veil I had to wear for my wedding to Jesus. I didnt wanna get married. Im 7, I wanna go home and listen to Madman Across The Water and eat candy from my fathers candy drawer.

I didnt understand any of it, I hated this dumb outfit, the socks and this headthingy! I was a tomboy and would have rather have been wearing jeans and tshirts.

My mother is a narcissist and never taught us anything about "stranger danger" "good touch, bad touch" or anything. However when we arrived at the church, and my mom coaxed me into going into this closet or box and talk to the man inside, my spidey senses went wild.

"Child what are your sins?' the disembodied voice boomed.

Looking back I think confession is an invasion of privacy and violates boundaries Why should I reveal anything private to, or even speak to a person I do not know, do not see and do not trust, in some closet? Christians do this a lot, across many denominations and I think its a cult indoctrination thing. 

For instance, when you tell another person a private secret, you are intimate with the person you told it to. And over time, when you tell many secrets to someone. you become highly invested emotionally with them and its hard to sever that relationship.

Anyway, I am a freespirit. I was thinking to myself, "What sins? Im 7 years old!"

"What do you mean sins?" I asked

"Have you done anything bad this week?" he asked.

I realized this was total horseshit and just made shit up to get this stupid shit over with.

"I fought with my sister" I said

"Okay child go sit in the front pew and do 24 "Hail Marys"."

I bolted and darted past the table of food, grabbing candy, and went and sat in the front pew and ate candy and Holy Wafers, until it was over and we went home. I didnt even know what Hail Marys were and I certainly was NOT doing them.

At home I told my mom that THAT was weird and I never want to go back. My Protestant Scottish father never went to church, and he backed me up and I never returned.

Church has always seemed stupid and cray cray, and although I have flirted with Christianity over the years its still the DUMBEST thing Ive ever heard of.

I still considered myself Catholic, but at age 15, after hearing about people having to Kiss the Popes ring, people kneeling in front of Mary statues (breaking at least 2 commandments) and then the Child Sex Abuse scandals I renounced my Catholicism.


I had bought the book "The Intimate Sex Lives Of Famous People" and read about the early Popes and Bishops etc And how they were all Pederasts and Coprophagists and rapists. Not a single moral one of the lot. I realized that the Catholic church began evil and has stayed evil and preaches evilness. They are still raping kids and getting away with it, and the dumb Catholics still attend church and give them money. 

That makes Catholics a CULT.

AGAIN, the Catholic Church started with pederasty and is still doing Pederasty. It has never changed, THEREFORE PEDERASTY IS A TENET OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH.

So in 1988 thru 90, in my very early 20s, an age where young people, mostly after college, suddenly find god and return to the church. I did too. I bought the book The Martyr Mirrors (The history of the Anabaptists) and became a Mennonite. I liked Anabaptism (the Christian Denomination that includes Amish, Mennonite, Hutterite) because they never evangelized, and let children choose to stay in the church or leave and they forbade child baptism. It seemed liberal.

In my 2 yr long, born again Christian life I was a CUNT to everyone, Holier then thou, thought I was better then everyone, and told people they were going to hell.

Im so happy that phase only lasted 2 short years. I was a horrible person.

Let me tell you about your Christianity.
Christianity was invented by the Romans because the Jews at that time were creating too many wars and they were violent and they wanted a pacifistic religion. They stole the entire religion from the story of Flavius Josephus..
Proof Romans Invented Jesus Christ - The Flavian Signature  
The first Christian church was the Catholic church.
The Catholic church was founded by pederasts and coprophagists. Go read historical accounts of the early Catholic priests, they were all pederasts and unsavory ppl. And they have always been pederasts and will never stop being pederasts. BUT look at the Christian God....... The Christian God, finds this 13 yr old MARRIED girl, Mary who was married to Joseph and KNOCKS HER UP! So this poor 13 yr old girl was being taken out of town by her husband, Joseph (another pederast) and "God" Knocks her up.
Thats YOUR new religions Origin Story.
Furthermore, the man that the "Jesus" story was copied off of was Julius Caesar (a bisexual man) and Cleopatras illegitimate son, Ptolomy Caesarion. After Caesar was assassinated, his adopted son, Octavian thought that HE would be ruler, but no, Octavian found out about Ptolomy Caesarion (JCs biological son) he called for PC to be assassinated too. 
Cleopatra found out about this plot, she faked PCs death and sent him to India and Asia where he learned carpentry and immersed himself in peaceful gentle Asian religions and philosophy. 
A few years later PC returned and preached kindness, love and peace.
All over Egypt Ptolomy Caesarion is referred to as "The Son Of God"
This is where the Romans got the Jesus story for their new religion.
 They just added in a Virgin Birth and 3 wise men....
Ring Of Power by Grace Power (5 hours long!) Explains everything that has occurred in our society. Shows the corruption.
Theres a follow up to that video 


Furthermore our planets history is not as the bible says it is. 

Our planet is self cleaning, every 12,000 years we get a cataclysmic event which destroys most people and things and then we have to rebuild everything.
Graham Hancock and Brien Foerster both describe a cataclysmic even that happens every 12,000 years. 


The end of the last 12,000 year cycle was 2012. The year the Mayan Calendar ended.

Furthermore Christianity (and Judaism and Islam) both actually destroy families, marriages, sex and parenting, by making unrealistic and harmful requirements for the way men and women are to behave towards each other and keeping women subservient and telling parents to hit their kids (when it makes people more violent) and to cast out their gay kids rather than being gentle and kind and loving.

Men and Women are EQUAL. A religion that tells women to be lesser than is perpetuating and co-opting abuse and pain.
You can see conservative men hungry for a loving relationship with their hard nosed hard edged Dads, and Dads wanting a close loving relationship with their sons, yet because of religious rhetoric, never getting there cause NEITHER knows how to deal with their emotions and be soft and loving.

Women who are suffering under their religious submissiveness towards their hubbies, by being abused and marginalized and feeling unloved. How is that Godly?

Abused kids being told to forgive abusive parents.

Gay people being banned from adopting orphans in state homes. Then the kids get abused and develop PTSD from being abused in state homes. Just cause of RELIGIOUS hate.

Religions all become snobby entitled people who think their religion is the best.

NO RELIGION IS GOOD! they are all hatefilled, entitled places people go to bolster their own personal biases.

My Mom is a conservative Christian and she abused me and my sister and systematically wrecked 6-7 married mens marriages so she could be with the hubby.
Kate Gosselin
Ruby Franke
Jodi Hildebrandt
The Duggars
Warren Jeffs
Lori Vallow
Chad Daybell
The Entire Catholic Church
Most Serial Killers
Jim Bakker 
Jerry Swaggart
Justin Biebers Creepy Pastor
Mica Millers hubby JP
On and on and on........

If Christians cant fix themselves and be happy, why would anyone join them.

Just be nice to other people and treat everyone with love and kindness.

Im much happier being single...

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