Why I Believe That Elton John et al, Is So Successful And Addictive...


 Me at my 5th birthday party. Already addicted to Elton John.

 Why I Believe That Elton John et al, Is So Successful And Addictive...

Ive been an Elton John fan since 1971 or 1972, when I was 4-5 years old!
My Dad "worked" (IE sat around and shot the shit) at my Uncles restaurant where theyd have live music and a DJ at times, and my Dad brought home Madman Across The Water and I was instantly ADDICTED!
I would listen to that album over and over and over. I had it all memorized.
I think fellow Elton John fans will understand when I say that, if I was watching Tv and I heard one word that was in an Elton John song Id have to go listen to that song. Id literally have cravings to listen to certain Elton songs. CRAVINGS! And even when I listened to that song, Id have to listen like 10 times.
All through my life its never changed. Its slowed down some, but with the world the way it is and my CPTSD Ive become addicted again. Elton is a great place to go when the world sucks!
After Rocketman came out, now there are a new bunch of addicts (go search Tumblr for the Elton and Bernie fan pages!) People are getting it!

Not only do all the new fans get it, the have the same collective Elton John "tics" that all the older fans do. We spit lyrics back to each other, we spit lyrics back to Bernie on his Instagram. We coo and aaawww at new pics that come out etc etc etc.

A new younger fan of Nigel Olssons posted this pic on Tumblr and it was flagged as pornography

As a fandom, we are number 1, we never argue, we all get along, theres no drama. We never try and compete. Its always pure love.

And I really wanna know why. Why is the entire Elton John Story and music so special that we inspire such unconditional love and devotion?

So for a few years now I have posted on psychology boards asking, "Why is Elton John so addictive?" I never get any answers tho'!

Well, I think I know.

There is a Food Manufacturers term called, "The Bliss Point"...

The Bliss Point is when food scientists create the perfect mixture of Fat, Umami, Salt, Sugar, Carbs, Acid and/or Heat to INSTANTLY make you addicted to that food. It instantly triggers all the pleasure sensors in your brain. Flamin' Hot CHEETOS have the highest Bliss Point. They were literally created to be addictive.

I think Elton and his music hits the high levels on the Bliss Point scale. THAT voice (singing or speaking) and THOSE tunes trigger all the pleasure sensors in our brains...
The Charisma, humor etc...

Listen to what Nigel Olsson says on the Red Piano Doc! Nigel is in his happy place behind his drums playing EJ/BT Ballads! We all know it! Davey Johnstone says his career with Elton has been heartfelt and I think thats also a contributing factor.
EVERYTHING surrounding Elton has huge emotions involved! The Bernie Elton Story is just so beautiful!
The band! You can tell that they all love each other. Go watch Elton do Hercules at his 60th Birthday at MSG, watch Nigel and Daveys interactions! So lovely!
Its 100% GENUINE!
I think this is why John Lennon wanted to hang out with EJ/BT and the band, they made him feel that closeness he had with Paul and the Beatles in those early days.

So I think, in essence...Elton hits all our Pleasure Centers in our brain and we feel the genuinity of a man, his writing partner and his band. AND their collective huge heart!

Im just so happy I experienced it and that we have YouTube!

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