I Am Sorry Jon Moss


Jon and George in happier times

I wanna make a public apology to Former Culture Club drummer Jon Moss...

As a fan I'm sorry that I was stupid and didn't see the big picture and supported George over you.

As an abuse victim, I don't know why I continued to support Boy George over Jon Moss. Jon Moss met George and they were instantly attracted to each other and carried on a secret sexual affair.

While I don't believe Jon's assertions that he is 100% Hetero, I do believe that Jon was trying to figure himself out. And because Jon kept sneaking around with Sam (a girl) George admittedly got angry and would beat him up! Yes Georges dad was a violent asshole but so was my Dad and I never hit anyone.

I do not get why fans are so in love with George that they IGNORE Georges scary side and side with George and not with the man (Jon) who George threw the vase over his head and whose fingers he broke (2 times) and more.

Lets not even mention the other incident!

                   Timestamp 25:10 George Makes A Joke Of The Relationship

Furthermore why is George constantly making JOKES about behaving this way towards Jon? Its always a laugh on the Talk show circuit.

Then along came PK and made George FIRE Jon. AGAIN George laughed and LIED, Why does George lie so much?

I have to ask, "Lets say Jon might have wanted to chose George ultimately......If Jon was trying to figure himself out and kept going back and forth between George and Sam, why would Jon pick George if he was being beat up and joked about?"

However I really think its shitty tho that the two men who George LOVED, didn't want to admit to the relationships.

Ultimately tho, George knew that Jon and Kirk Brandon BOTH were straight or at least Bi, and shouldn't have gotten involved, but the heart wants what the heart wants...

I will always love Culture Club and Georges solo works (Cheapness and Beauty FTW Forever) but I just can no longer support George like I had in the past. Hes still a legend, but I see him with open eyes now.

Im sorry Jon.

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