Food, Allergies, Diseases And Inflammation...2 Tests Are Not Enough

Food, Allergies, Diseases And Inflammation...2 Tests Are Not Enough

For years we have been familiar with typical standard allergy tests, the IgE tests.

  Lets talk about those...

IgE tests measure the HISTAMINE response in your skin to certain known allergens.
Almost all allergens are non toxic non dangerous substances.  In a person with allergies, their immune system is too high and it thinks normal substances are dangerous and goes on high alert and releases antibodies and then histamine to fight them off.
Basically allergies are inflammation, and allergy tests measure inflammation.
Thus, allergies are the opposite of AIDS.

So for years, all we had was the IgE tests. 

But after the 1980s a new test was developed. It was the ALCAT test. It measures Immunoglobulen iGg response to a variety of foods and substances.

Ive had both allergy testing (IgE) and Alcat testing (iGg)
BOTH tell me I need to stay away from molds, fungus and mushrooms!
However, IgE and iGg testing are just 2 out of 9 Allergic Immune Responses that are out there.
Histamine is IgE
Immunoglobulen is iGg 

I have an auto immune response to molds, fungus and mushrooms!
I will break out in psoriasis if I eat certain molds or fungi. 

There are only tests for HISTAMINEs and IMMUNOGLOBULEN.
Look, I have had my DNA tested. It says Im not lactose intolerant. 
My IgE tests say Im not allergic to milk or lactose.
My iGg tests say Im not sensitive to Milk or Lactose.
So, why do my BONES hurt violently when I drink milk (even ORGANIC)????

Is it possible that milk triggers one of the other allergic responses that there are no testing for?

Histamine is IgE
Immunoglobulen is iGg 
Lets look at the others
From the Nasocort Commercial

There are 


There are no tests for those! 
So follow along with me here.

Type 1 Diabetes is caused by the immune system attacking the pancreas and killing it..
My mom says that my sisters Type 1 diabetes was caused by the allergy testing my mom took her to at age 4. 
If you think about this, there would be no reasons for my mom to take my sister to allergy testing if she wasnt exhibiting SYMPTOMS!
 What if her symptoms were an allergic response to something she was eating and it was attacking her pancreas?
My sister tested negative for IgE.
So what was causing her allergy symptoms?
Was it what killed her pancreas?
Was there no test available for her particular immune response?
 Back in the 1970's there was ONLY IgE testing.

I tested NEGATIVE for an IgE response to GLUTEN
However, my iGg tests say Im sensitive to it.
What if there were tests for the other 7 responses that will show Im horribly allergic?

What if one of the releases of the other 7 cause cancer to form epigenetically?
What if it triggers overeating?
What if it triggers diabetes or mood issues?

I hope you follow me so far....

The IgE and iGg tests test your response to around 400 allergens.
In the case of the IgE tests they test your skin for a histamine response to about 50 allergens.
If your skin gets itchy red and hives form, you are allergic to that substance...
In the case of iGg testing, they separate your blood sample into 400-800 microsamples and test those for 400-800 sensitive substances. If one sample shows signs of releasing Immunoglobulen, you are sensitive to THAT food/substance.

As I said above, there are at least 7 other chemicals that your body can release in response to OTHER inflammatory processes, and there are no tests for them. 

Why is that significant?

Because, lets look at 2 things first,

In the 1970s women were developing allergies to FISH.
Cause in the 1970s the leading weightloss diet was Weight Watchers and in the 1970s most of the WW plan was made up of FISH.
ALL IgE allergy tests are made of PROTEIN.
All IgE Allergy responses are to PROTEINS in substances.
Cigarette Smoke has no proteins, therefore there is NO allergy test for cigarette smoke.
Scientists theorize that if you consume the same things day in day out, that your body can start fighting back against the protein in that substance.
Thus all the women in the 1970s developing an allergy to FISH from the WW diet.


I grew up smoking a lot of cigarettes and drinking lots of coffee. Coffee would make me almost manickly high! I felt great all the time.
Then one day in my early 20s I started feeling awful when Id smoke and then coffee no longer gave me ENERGY, it actually slowed me down and made me sleepy.

Now if I had gotten IgE testing in my early 20s, I would test NEGATIVE to a coffee allergy, but since I had my ALCAT (iGg) testing this year I now know I have a SENSITIVITY to coffee and tea. 
Furthermore, if I drink too much coffee, tea or other stimulants, my blood sugar plummets and I get depressed.

See what I just demonstrated?
I drank so much coffee, that I developed a sensitivity to it, and my body is rejecting it by altering my response to it.

However, some substances that we are actually allergic/sensitive to can have an opposite effect, we can become addicted to the very thing that is harming us.


Allergy often seems to equal addiction and the reason for this is not totally clear. It has been suggested that this may be because some protein fragments formed when food is broken down are similar to endorphins, which the body produces naturally to counteract pain and produce euphoria. 
 (source: )


WHY food addiction equals food allergy.

Have you ever eaten a huge bag of Fritos (especially those Chili Cheese OMG) and woke up the next day and felt like you had a hangover?
Well guess what? You did have a food hangover.
This is what happens
You take one bite of the Fritos, 
Your body reacts and releases a few chemicals to inflame the stomach.
Your body realizes its becoming inflammed and releases HAPPY HORMONES, ENDORPHINS to deal with the pain of the inflammation.
You feel pepped up cause of the endorphins and subconsciously associate the Fritos with feeling happy. So you eat the whole freaking bag
You go to bed, overnight the endorphins wear off
You wake up feeling awful.
That night you feel you must eat more Fritos, since you felt so good last night eating them (cause of the endorphins) you are now addicted to the endorphins the Fritos give you, even though you are causing yourself pain by the inflammation the Frito allergy is causing.
Years later your joints and muscles hurt, cause of the food allergy that youve been fueling, but ignoring for that endorphin high.

Did all that make sense?


Because I feel that all of this is what is causing all the illnesses in the world, either directly or indirectly thru epigenetics. 

Even some mental issues I feel are caused by a allergic response (but thats just MY OPINION)

Lets talk about Inflammation...

Dont Be Fooled By Junk Food

For years people have made fun of the Holistic Healers and Vegans...Laughed at people at the Health Food Store buying brown rice and Kefir...Poo-Pooed those people in their Tye Dyed hemp t-shirts standing in line to get tested for Adrenal Fatigue...Rolling our eyes at talk of H-Pylori and people who make Seitan or Tempeh Chili or thinking "OMG how can you live without bread?" when they told you about their outstanding energy levels on the High Meat Paleo Diet...or get turned off at someones Tofurkey or Cauliflower Fauxtato Pancakes at Thanksgiving.

Perhaps you have laughed at someone when you asked them for an Advil for your fifth headache that week, when they told you, "You know, if you'd cut out sugar and diet sodas and chemicals you'd never get headaches!"

Food and cooking is a social and emotional thing. It brings families together, it is a way to show love, it is a way to take care of each other, a religious and cultural experience...To not do some food traditions at certain times in some cultures or religions can start wars or be considered blasphemy...

So you can see why it is so hard to break long standing feelings and ideas on food!
Its deep deep deep inside of us.

But the fact is...The more nutritious and better for you the food is, the more expensive it is cause it takes longer to produce.

Most grains, sugarcane and corn are some of the easiest and fastest growing food plants on earth...
This is why sugar, flour and corn are so cheap and plentiful.
Lean meats, Fresh Veggies and Whole Fruits, Healthy Dairy products and Good Fats and Low sugar products are EXPENSIVE to grow and make.

People who go on sugar fasts notice they feel immediately better...

I admit I used to roll my eyes when I would hear people talking about certain foods causing INFLAMMATION of the organs and tissues of the body and when they omitted those types of foods they no longer had pain in their joints...

Have you ever heard the term "BLISS POINT?"

The "BLISS POINT" is a food manufacturers term in which a recipe for a product has reached the point in which the FAT, CARBS and SODIUM or SUGAR is in a perfect mixture to elicit an instantly addictive morphine like euphoria in the eaters brain.

Cheetos has the perfect Bliss Point of all foods!

But its all refined carbs (no fiber), salt and fat, meaning its got no nutritional value to speak of. Manufacturers can make a lot of money off these cheap, low nutrition foods. Its cheap to grow the corn for Cheetos and put it in a bag and sell it to you than it is to grow a fresh veggie platter or a piece of fruit so to save money they WANT YOU TO BE ADDICTED TO CHEETOS.

So if a society eats mainly HIGH fat, HIGH carb, HIGH sugar and HIGH salt foods and nothing else, they might be in their BLISS POINT but their brains and bodies wont be getting any REAL nutrition and in effect, will be STARVING.

This is why you see so many fat poor people who struggle in life and in school and so many with many physical ailments...They are literally "the starving obese" whose minds and bodies are malnourished.

About Inflammation:

The worst foods for INFLAMMATION

Packaged and processed foods (meaning chemically made and nutritionally stripped food)
Hydrogenated and Transfats
White Flour
High Fat Animal proteins
Omega 6 Fatty Acids (Tilapia!!!)
Food Additives
Chemical Sweeteners

What is inflammation?

All those foods listed above are things we were never designed to eat. Because of this our body organs react to these foods and their ingredients by becoming irritated.
Right now scratch the back of your hand for 30 seconds. Look at it. Has it become red and a bit puffy? That is because it is irritated. That redness is called inflammation.
Now imagine what happens inside your body when you fill it with bad food and chemicals!
Your organs become red and puffy and inflammed...
You can see that all of the foods above are the ones that have the BLISS POINT FACTOR.
And those are the very foods that cause health issues, inflammation and body pain.

So people eat these cheap foods, get sick have pain get depressed and go to the Doctors to get well. They are prescribed painkillers, antidepressants and heart and diabetes drugs to combat their health problems but no one ever tells them one thing


Cause Frito-Lays wants you to keep buying their CHEETOS and the pill companies want you to keep buying their pills!

YOU are their ATM and THEY are selling you nothing but sickness and nutritionally empty food!

Think about the inflammation food additives can do to you!

 Things like:
Dietary Histamines
Sat Fat
 Excess Salt

Lets move on to 5 examples of problematic substances, you will notice a theme right away in the first 4, the 5th will take some explaining:


Latex allergy is a medical term encompassing a range of allergic reactions to the proteins present in natural rubber latex. Latex allergy generally develops after repeated exposure to products containing natural rubber latex.


Gluten (from Latin gluten, "glue") is a composite of storage proteins termed prolamins and glutelins[1] that is stored together with starch in the endosperm (which nourishes the embryonic plant during germination) of various cereal (grass) grains.


Snake venom is merely modified saliva, or a combination of many different proteins and enzymes. The old way of categorizing venom indicated that some snakes have a neurotoxic venom (affecting the nervous system) and others have a haemotoxic venom (affecting tissue and blood).


All viruses have genes constructed from either deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) or ribonucleic acid (RNA)—long helical molecules that carry genetic information. All viruses have a protein coat that protects these genes, and some are wrapped in a viral envelope of fat that surrounds them when they are outside a cell.


Proteins are large biomolecules, or macromolecules, consisting of one or more long chains of amino acid residues. Proteins perform a vast array of functions within organisms, including catalysing metabolic reactions, DNA replication, responding to stimuli, providing structure to cells and organisms, and transporting molecules from one location to another. Proteins differ from one another primarily in their sequence of amino acids, which is dictated by the nucleotide sequence of their genes, and which usually results in protein folding into a specific three-dimensional structure that determines its activity.

A complete protein or whole protein is a food source of protein that contains an adequate proportion of each of the nine essential amino acids necessary in the human diet.[1]

Then lets examine what SUGAR is:

Sugar, any of numerous sweet, colourless, water-soluble compounds present in the sap of seed plants and the milk of mammals and making up the simplest group of carbohydrates. (See also carbohydrate.) The most common sugar is sucrose, a crystalline tabletop and industrial sweetener used in foods and beverages.

Lets look at the most common source of SUGAR SAP, Sugarcane:

Twenty-three amino-acids have been detected in cane juice, pipecolic acid, methionine, tryptophan and β-alanine for the first time, and the presence of a hydroxypipecolic acid is suggested; the presence of arginine is confirmed. Increasing the supply of nitrogen increases markedly the amides asparagine and glutamine and less markedly the basic amino-acids lysine, histidine, arginine and tryptophan. The neutral and acidic amino-acids tend to increase and then decrease in level with increasing nitrogen supply. 

So, if specific proteins in all the top 4 substances, cause immune response/allergy/inflammation and
If sugar has incomplete building blocks of protein, Could those specific amino acids in sugar trigger an allergy or immune response and cause Type 1 Diabetes? Or cause overeating or cause metabolic issues?

Lets give an example of what inflammation is

When an oyster gets a speck of sand inside its body, it gets irritated, it produces mucus, and starts trying to cover that speck of sand with pearl producing calcium carbonate.

In YOUR body, irritation from chemicals from bad food also produce mucus and redness like a cheap Dollar Store ring causes a rash like this

The ALLERGY is literally ALTERING the structure of your skin, isnt that also what CANCER does? The skin or cells become altered and deformed and grow and choke out the surrounding tissue/organs?

Did you ever notice how people who are ill, cough up mucus a lot?
 Thats mucus from the inflammation from their illness.
Interesting huh?

So I propose more expansive allergy testing, beyond the IgE and iGg testing. And greater awareness of inflammation and allergy causing diseases.

Lets find the cures!

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