Favorite Sayings

Favorite Sayings

"People say, 'Are you offended by the dumb-blonde jokes?'
And I say no, because I know I'm not dumb and I know
I'm not blonde"
~ Dolly Parton, on how she is perceived.

"The problem with people who have no vices is that generally
you can be pretty sure they're going to have
some pretty annoying virtues.
~Elizabeth Taylor

"You can discover what your enemy fears most by observing the means he uses to frighten you."
~ Eric Hoffer

Adulthood is when you start pondering the "big" questions, such as: what is life, why am I here, and how much Healthy Choice ice cream can I eat before it's no longer a healthy choice?

"We have survived as a nation because the mind conceived an idea, the heart believed it and the hands achieved it."
~National Commander, Ronald F. Conley

Hold on tight to your loved ones nobody really needs that much space when you
love them:o)

Nothing says Loser more then a Jenna Jameson T-shirt

If The Kabbalah Is So Miraculous, Why Cant Madonna Act?
~David Quirk

After the 3rd divorce, it's you that's the problem...

Remember, every minute spent angry is 60 seconds of happiness wasted

Well Behaved Women, Rarely Make History

Throughout history it  has been the inaction of those who could
have acted,  the indifference  of those  who should  have known
better,  the silence of the  voice of justice  when it mattered
most, that has made it possible for evil to triumph.
~Haile Selassie

If the shoe doesn't fit.. Quit trying to cram it on!!!
~My Best Girlfriend Pamie

"When a match made in heaven arrive's, eternity is never enough"
~Bernie Taupin

"If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun!"
~Katherine Hepburn

A Regret is like an egg that's been broken on the floor. You need to clean it up and walk away!
~Tammy Faye Messner

You cannot go forward looking in the rearview mirror!
~Tammy Faye Messner

"In Britain, girls seem to be either bright or attractive. In America, that's not the case. They're both."
~John Cleese

Pointing the finger at another person and saying you hate what they are doing is never neutralized by saying, `but I luv' ya.'

 hate makes someone sound very stupid.. really.. because you stop searching the truth and try to twist every thing to serve your hateful point of view
~my Paltalk roomie , Northland

I think that Jello, Pudding or Mud wrestling could be utilized to end war and make peace. However adding Barbies makes it chunky.

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