There Are No Water Shortages...That Beverage Companies Arent Causing

All that water to the left could fill a swimming pool
Then theres the soda on the right...
There Are No Water Shortages...That Beverage Companies Arent Causing

For years people have been talking about water shortages as if the water has disappeared off the planet never to return.

Its not true.

You know where it has gone?

Next time you go to your local supermarket or big box warehouse store look at the sheer amount of bottled beverages and waters that you see. Now think of ALL the big box stores and supermarkets and 7-11s and Beverage stores etc in the country.

Prior to Coke and Pepsi being invented there was no myriad of beverages and Vitamin Waters available. Having a coke was a once a month special event when your family went to town to do shopping and you went to the drug store and had a fountain drink as a rare treat!

Now there are ACRES of bottled beverages!

Studies show that in areas where bottling companies are, the aquifers and water tables and lakes recede and lower.

So basically all our lakes and streams are sitting on shelves in Costco, NOT evaporating and condensing and raining in cycle anymore.

We are all bottled up!

Fact Check:
Bottled Water And Water Shortages

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