Slime In All Forms

Not THAT Slime! MEAT Slime!
Read on....
 Slime In All Forms

 In 2012, a Tv show aired that exposed the practice of using "recovered" (gag) meat in food products. After butchering animals, there are small bits of meat and fat still stuck to the bones, In order to get those off, heat, and centrifuges are used. Because HEAT is used, the bacteria rises and the "recovered" (gag again) meat must be treated with ammonia gas to kill the bacteria.
In the case of poultry "slime", raw chicken carcasses are ground up, bones and all, and pushed thru a sieve to remove bone fragments and cartilage.
Its all not meant for humans to eat.

Hormel Chili, Extremely Cheap Deli Meat (Land Of Frost, and Buddig), Some Hot Dogs and Sausages and some Dollar Store Frozen and canned Food ALL contain some form of "SLIME".

Here are their trade names so you can read labels and chose what you wanna buy for your family.

^^^Beef Slime, Aka Pink Slime, lean finely textured beef or LFTB, finely textured beef, and boneless lean beef trimmings or BLBT

^^^Pork Slime, Mechanically separated meat (MSM), mechanically recovered/reclaimed meat (MRM), or mechanically deboned meat (MDM)

Nakaochi Scrape, Aka, Tuna Slime, Tuna Backmeat, Recovered Tuna

^^^ Mechanically Separated Chicken, Aka Chicken Slime, Mechanically separated meat (MSM), mechanically recovered/reclaimed meat (MRM), or mechanically deboned meat (MDM)

^^^Whey Permeate, Aka Milk Slime

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