The Problematic Nature Of Kat West and Feminism (An OPINION PIECE) NSFW

 A picture of Kat West with no make up, filters or sexy clothes. 
Looking average. Life was an illusion.
The Problematic Nature Of Kat West and Feminism

The following is pulled from online services and my observances of behavior.

Since Kathleen Dawn Martin West's name was splattered on the screen after her dead partially nude body was found face down across the street from the house she shared with her husband and daughter, women have sounded the FEMINISM siren whenever someone is critical of “Kat” West's side profession as a nude “model”...

Posting naked, cheesecake photos of yourself online for a few bucks, is not feminism.
Since the beginning, men have used women for sexual purposes and defined them by their bodies and looks. Apparently, if you have boobs or are pretty, you couldnt go to college, get a job or get divorced in the past.

This is 2018.
Why are women still falling for the sex trap?


This is a REAL MODEL, to sell clothing.

This is nude art photography. Not made to illicit a sexual response

This is porn made to illicit a sexual response.

Kat was not a "Model", nor were her photos ART. They were porn, to illicit a sexual response

Women in 2018 have a right to a vibrant colorful sex life without being called a slut, but posting naked pics is against the very nature of what the womens movement fought so hard for.

If I say any of the above things, I get attacked by Kardashian Schooled Drone-Bots...

Ive seen women post on the Official Kat West Facebook Group say:

“You are jealous”
“No one should judge her”
“If I looked like her Id be doing the same thing”
“Women should be able to do whatever they want”
“It's 2018 not 1918”
“Its just pictures!”
“The Kardashians are beautiful and successful, they do the same thing”
“What Kat and her hubby were doing was no ones business but theirs”
“Its empowering to women”
“This is what women do now”
“Women own their sexuality now”
“If ya got it, flaunt it!”

Kat West was born in 1975 to Nancy and John Martin, in Florida.
She appears to be an only child. Her Mom and Dad appear to have spoiled and catered to their daughters every whim. They seem to have indulged her and her husband in expensive tropical trips.
They were listed on her Facebook page as "friends" even though she posted naughty pics on there. Werent they concerned? Wasnt her father concerned?

There are 2 types of Narcissists. One who is created in childhood by abuse, where the damaged self is killed off and replaced by the false bloviated ego self, and the other who is created by being raised without boundaries, being spoiled, and catered to. Like the Affluenza kid.
In my opinion, Kat is the latter,
Kat doesnt appear to be very bright, check out her spelling and grammar on her “modeling” profile here:

She appears to have relied heavily on her looks early on and became a stripper. She didnt appear to have gone to college. No other Jobs have been listed on the net for her.
She had several DUIs and arrests (Source: internet background checks)
Her Facebook and Pinterest pages do not show any real depth to her. Her whole life is about HER LOOKS and SEXUALITY. Not books, social issues, movies, parenting or anything else. Just sex and looks.
She even referred to her daughter as her Sugarbaby. (eye roll)
Its my opinion that Kat met Jeff while she was stripping and he married her while he was still in the Army. She then probably quit and just became a wife.
MySpace name ArmyWifeKittyKat

Jeff seems to have no identity of his own. His entire identity has been wrapped up in being married to HER. Being seen with HER.

A lot of quote-unquote "Sex Workers" have sexual trauma in their histories.
IN MY OPINION, It was this sexual trauma that set Kathleen on her path to thinking that her body and sexuality and selfies are her entire life. I think it stunted her personal growth as a human being, and she got caught up in being in a one track life. And I believe that this is why she chose such an odd man as Jeff West to be with.
In my opinion, her narcissism and sexuality attracted the internal co dependent inverted narcissist in him. He thinks HE IS big shit (this is why he was in the Military and then became a rent a cop) but he needed Kat to show other people who is thought he was inside.

The Wests had a drug and that drug was attention.
I think their relationship was just their codependence on the attention.
No deep intimacy. I think Kat tried to be a good wife in spite of her exhibitionist addiction and drinking issues. Instead of going to a therapist for help to fix her dependence on attention, she stuck with it. Instead of the false love of EXHIBITIONISTIC ADORATION and fame, she should have been filing herself with real love, protection and acceptance.

(Note: Narcissistic exhibitionists seem to think its HOT and sexy and exciting to go out in public and expose themselves, or play or grope each other in public, but its just creepy. It looks desperate and pathetic. Jeffs pathetic pat on Kats butt at the Liquor store looked like a creeper and not Brad and Angie in the Limo after the Cannes Film festival....)

Then Kat got pregnant and had their daughter... This initially changed Kat.

This is what Kat posted on her Pinterest page

She said her daughter changed her. That before her daughter was born she was “D....” I think that word was supposed to be DIFFERENT...

I think she believed that when she wrote that, but I think eventually she started getting bored and thats why she started posting the sexy pics online and became Kitty Kat West.

So one day, after being outta the stripping game and playing wifey for awhile, she probably posted a pic online on her Facebook....She got attention, liked it, wanted more, posted another.... One pic lead to another, then a semi nude shot, then a fully nude shot, then a paid member site with videos, then trying out being a Sugarbaby (pic below), then requests. And on and on.
Once she started it wasnt enough, that exhibitionist drug came flooding back and she couldnt stop and her hubby was invested as he got his narcissistic supply via her and he didnt value her, so he took the pics for her.

Both were too stupid to separate the business venture from her real name and hide and PROTECT pics of their kids.

Jeffs Resume linked to his Twitter account with PICS OF HIS WIFE!

No wonder he didnt get his DREAM JOB!

They were engaged in something called
Where all your self protective intutive mechanisms go out the window and you do things you otherwise wouldnt. Stripping for men she could not see and evaluate in a proper healthy manner, especially with a young daughter in the house.

A friend of Kats from her Cougar Club site said that “Jeff worshipped the ground she walked on, he wouldnt hurt a hair on her head”

Fast Forward and now we have a drunken night alone where she is found in the am half naked, across the street from her home, with her skull bashed in, DEAD. And her hubby gets arrested for killing her... HURTING THE HAIR ON HER HEAD!

They say Jeff was stoic, and emotionless when the police and others talked to him after her body was discovered.

Thats because these types of relationships that are all based around sex, exhibitionism, going online and posting naked pics of your spouse/SO are not REAL relationships based on love and intimacy. They are all based on illusions. If you NEED constant exhibitionism to have a marriage, you are disordered.

It is my opinion, Jeff didnt LOVE her, he loved what she made HIM LOOK LIKE to the public! Thats why he posted pics of her vajayjay online. He didnt hold her up as a person of value and she didnt either. She attracted his Inverted Narcissistic codependency, then cuckolded him.
At first he was probably flattered that other men wanted his wife, then he started to become jealous as she started cropping him out of the picture by taking requests from admirers and maybe got too close to one.
In my opinion, HE gets his narcissistic supply from being HER husband. If shes moving away from HIM, to get closer to an admirer and leaving him out, he then loses worth. He couldnt have that.


He left her on the street like trash on the curb. He didnt get a lawyer to help him shut down her porn sites and remove their daughters pics from Facebook to protect her. He instead attacked people online and still clung to his ID as Kitty Kats Husband.

In the end he saw her the way SHE wanted people to see her, as just a body, not a person.
This is NOT feministic empowerment!

Its just a woman with no other interests, showing her ass, so her and her hubby can get off on it later.

Look, I admit, I would rather be objectified sexually by my SO/Hubby than objectified as a surrogate mother for him to drop his dirty laundry with and run to play golf with his buddies each weekend.
But I am so much more than my pussy. I have a thousand interests and things to talk about.
We all do stupid things online, but most of us learn and grow and dont repeat the mistakes.
It seems that Kat couldnt stop.
The fact is, there is no male equivalent of this activity. You never see men posting naked shots on Instagram, cause women think its creepy. So why dont women feel its creepy when we ourselves invite men we do not know, or cannot see to view our naked bodies?



30 years ago Michael Jordan, forced the NBA to replace the tight high shorts that basketballers used to wear with longer baggy shorts that didnt show his “basketballs”. David Letterman switched from jeans to khakis to suits to hide his reported 9 incher. John Hamm sued Gossip sites who would repeatedly post and comment on pics of his “package” in his pants.

For hundreds of thousands of years, women have been used as household help and for sex.
They had no rights to vote.
They werent allowed to have birth control or abortions.
They could be legally abused by their husbands.
They couldnt own property.
If they invented something in their homes, their husbands name would be on it.
They couldnt get divorced.
They could be raped by their husbands.
They couldnt go to college or get jobs.
Their Boss could touch or sexually assault them.
On and on.....

Feminism is supposed to mean EQUALITY.
Feminism is supposed to mean that women be taken seriously for their BRAINS and not their bodies or how good they can keep a house or cook a meal. They had been used for those things long enough.
Even after The Vote and the legalization of Abortion, women still were graduating college with bullshit degrees, like Oriental Philosophies or English Literature. Then after graduation still head off for a marriage and being a housewife.
Jobs were still teachers, nurses, cosmetologists.
Even in the 1970s women were still housewives on Tv. or SEXY detectives. Even worse was that in Star Trek and Star Wars (FUTURISTIC SHOWS) still had females as SEXY, helpless, and in subordinate roles.
Strangely Seventeen magazine used to have politics, social issues, womens issues and teen issues in their magazine. They used to have TEENS on the cover.
Now Seventeen is all sex, beauty, celebs and all the females on the cover are adults.

Look at childrens Halloween Costumes!

All this sexual shit is not empowering women! Its destroying us! Causing us to compete for men, who dont deserve us.


Feminists over the ages did not suffer or burn their bras to have their great granddaughters wearing sexy Halloween costumes or flashing their asses in front of a refrigerator on Twitter.
They did it all to get equality and rights to education and jobs.
Not to fall back to being used for sex as females have for eons!

Studies have shown that GIRLS in high school will actually dumb themselves down to stop the boys from not liking them. They wont apply their intelligence in school
What they will do, however is doll themselves up with tons of make up and sexy clothes to compete with the other females at school, for the boys attention.
Teen girls are now getting plastic surgery and worshipping the Kardashian/Jenners. Just to compete with other women, instead of getting an education.

The statistics on all girls schools say that when the competition for boys attention is taken out of the picture, girls exceed their co-ed school counterparts, girls then compete for grades, and better and higher paying jobs are a result.

Once a girl is actually EDUCATED, then they dont need the man, they are TRULY EMPOWERED!
Then they start pulling other women up.

Girls in Pakistan are getting killed to prevent them from going to school, and girls in the USA are emulating bimbos like the Kardashians who arent educated.

So all the hundreds of thousands of years of women before them fought for nothing.
Spending your life posting selfies, taking porn pics then video leads to a never ending cycle of enslavement. Once you post that first picture, and you get the likes or “baby you look good” you then start the enslavement of posting more pics, then a lil nip slip, then full on nudes, then someone will request private cam time and eventually it leads to porn. Then you go looking for plastic surgery to stop the aging process and still stay young and youthful...Nothing is ever enough for some of these women.

The saddest thing was when people were discussing Kats plastic surgery, one of Kats "Cougar Club" friends, piped up with something like, "But Im all natural, I havent had any plastic surgery yet!"
Your friend is dead but you are still being a catty competitive bitch?
What an unhealthy lifestyle.

Note: The only people who have come forward, to speak kind words about Kathleen West, were her online porn buddies. No one from her community, her childs school, or any offline women came forward. In fact, Ive seen reports that Kats neighbors, wouldnt let their kids around "The Kat Show" cause they knew what was going on. Calera, Al only has 11,000 people. Some of Kats racy pics were taken outside, in public. Im sure a town so small saw Kat and Jeff "playing" in public, snapping pics and its not a stretch to say people started chatting about Kat.

This lifestyle is not empowering its enslaving. Its just more of the same old, line up the girls at the whore house to see which one gets picked, prostitution game.

Empowerment is education, a good job, savings, your own money, so you dont have to rely on a man for money or his comments on your body or looks.

At least Kats daughter is an honor student...........

So please stop calling what Kat West was doing Feminist Empowerment.
And good for women.
Its not.
Its the same old same old, selling your body for money, and unhealthy competitive cattiness with other women for more "Likes" from men to fill up an emptiness.

The opposite of feminism.



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