Conservatives Pray For Help, Then Ignore And Decline The Help When It Is Given To Them




Conservatives in rural states are angry because they claim the liberals ain't done nothing for them and forgot them.


See this is what has happened in rural areas of the south.

When intelligent, gifted, creative residents of those areas grow up, they LEAVE. They go to the big cities and abandon the rural area. They go to the city, to the universities and become more liberal. They meet black people, Immigrants, gays, trans, and they work with women who are their boss. They realize that all the things that the rural churches told them are false.

They then rarely go back to the rural town.

The people stuck in the rural towns reject any and all efforts by the Liberals to help them. They "Don't want no Libtard ideas"!
They keep praying to God to help them but the liberals offered them help and they reject it.

Furthermore big, dynamic, tech or Fortune 500 companies don't wanna move to a place that rejects common sense ideas that work in all other 1st world countries for conspiracies. They don't wanna deal with the HR nightmare and bigotry. SO that's why they don't build bases there.

And lastly the reason why the cities and liberal areas have nicer things isn't because they get handouts and free shit, its because they have higher taxes and that's how they pay for things.

How do you think towns and cities pay their cops, for roads, schools, improvements?
TAXES!!! The better and more prosperous a city is, the more people wanna move there. The more people wanna move there the more money they get in taxes to pay for better things.

No one wants to move to Owsley, Kentucky so THAT'S why its very poor.

Its not up to liberals to make your city great. You have to do it. Attract better people, increase taxes so you can pay for better things, stop the hate and discrimination.

And find out a way to keep your brightest, smartest citizens from moving away!

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