Dear King Charles And Prince William




Dear King Charles and Prince William,
Look, you and your family have been raised to believe that YOU are somehow "special," that you have some sort of birthright. But you arent and dont.

Your family is akin to Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormon Church, who told people that he saw visions from God and told people that men should have plural marriage. The only God Joseph was talking to was his penis. Like most dysfunctional families, Your family probably had some OG family member who was a raging horny narcissist who was very insecure and power hungry and made up some silly story about how your family was one of the 12 lost tribes of Israel (See: British Israelism) and uneducated people started believing them, and here we are thousands of years later and now you are super dysfunctional and mentally ill.

Its generational trauma and dysfunction!

Look back at your family tree and you can literally SEE where the family became diseased. 

Please entertain me a second... Look, I can see where my family got sick.
My maternal grandma was the oldest child of 20 children in Scranton, Pa during the Depression. But shes the only one whose family line has suffered and failed to thrive. My Grandma was forced to leave school at age 9 to help her mom with all the kids. Because of this my Grandma was severely insecure and bitter about her intelligence and wasnt a happy person. She was very mean to my Mother and my Mother developed a fantasy self to hide in. Then eventually my Mothers psyche killed off her Authentic self permanently as a protection mechanism and replaced it with the fantasy self and this created my Mothers narcissism. My mom thinks she is special in spite of having ZERO things special about her.
Donald Trumps Father was abusive to him and he also developed a fantasy self and killed off his authentic self and now we have what we have.
THIS IS YOUR FAMILY! Your family are nothing special. You arent attractive, arent interesting, arent exciting! William, if born in Essex, to a normal family, would be an Insurance salesman hanging at the pub all night. Kate would be a much happier woman if her own narcissistic family didnt push her to marry a Prince. Kate lost her SHINE after marrying William. Camilla would be Dot Cotton, gossiping at the Laundry smoking a fag.

Healthy people do not want to LORD OVER OTHERS. Healthy people do good things for others.

A lot of white people in the USA think they are special, and yet over and over, its actually Black people, Immigrants, and women who are seeking higher education and white people are actually leaving higher education at record amounts, then not doing anything productive. Like Josh Duggar selling used cars.

White, Christian, Conservative Heterosexual men talk about being Alpha Males and being morally superior, yet here we have Pastors and Priests and ppl like the Duggars being EVIL. Raping, cheating stockpiling guns and murdering children in school and at churches! All the while Gay people are proving they are loving compassionate people.

You are not special cause you are white, male or grew up in a privileged family. 

You have, however, lost your way in the world and no longer are part of it.

This house on 1030 Forest Ave, in Evanston, Illinois was the home of Oscar Meyer, the lunch meat/hot dog dude.

In the 1920s, business owners owned NORMAL houses on NORMAL streets, and their kids went to NORMAL schools and they lead NORMAL lives. They rubbed shoulders with regular townsfolk, they shopped at the supermarket, they went to church with the community. They were pretty normal and cared about the community they lived in.

Sam Walton, the creator of Walmart, made a rule that he would NEVER sell anything in his stores that wasnt Made In America. He was a regular dude that created a good store, to give Americans well paying jobs to better America. NOW Walmart workers need to supplement their salaries with Welfare. 

What happened?

Well, Sam Walton had kids and started making big bucks and eventually down the line of generations of Waltons, the kids started losing touch with Average Americans and started sending their kids to private schools. The subsequent generations started not caring about their employees and shoppers and moving to super rich areas into multi million dollar homes, with tight security. They then became greedy and stopped paying a living wage and  never saw tears of Moms who struggled to put food on the table or pay for Xmas presents. They lived high up on the hill!

Their kids never struggled like Sam Walton or Oscar Meyer did to build their companies. So their kids are now out of touch. Just like You King Charles and Prince William. and thats precisely why you are so dysfunctional. Youve lost touch, and you are not happy!

For fucks sake your family used to have people come and WIPE YOUR ASSES after pooping!!!

Just how out of touch does one family have to be, to need a person to wipe your fucking asses?

In the 1950s, my uncle (dads BFF) owned the most popular restaurant in the area. One night, a black man came to the restaurant to rob it. My Uncle, calmly, was able to get the gun from him and calmly told the man to go home, get a good meal, wake up the next morning, eat breakfast and get a shower and shave and come back to the restaurant and my Uncle will have a job for him. 

That man worked for my Uncle from the 1950s to 2000 when he died. He was at all of my uncles childrens weddings and was a valued beloved employee and his death was in the local papers and no one knew the way he got his job because my Uncle wanted him to keep his dignity.

You dont subjugate, oppress and hurt people to be a GREAT MAN. You are a great man, by doing GREAT DEEDS.

YOU, Charles and William are spoiled inbreds, who secretly know you arent anything special. And thats exactly why you need to Lord over people and feel superior and subjugate people to make yourselves feel better, because your house of cards is flimsy, and Harry and Meghan are PROVING this

Charles and William? The reason you are all so unhappy in your lives is because your life isnt spiritually settled. You RUN from normalcy and community and seek shelter in cold cavernous castles full of relics of narcissism. Your family hasnt been normal for thousands of years.

But you can change the future for your family and generations to come....

Let Harry and Meghan lead the way. Give the money back to the British People, and stop living by those silly Royal Rules and go and be normal people and wipe your ass by yourself!

Your family is SICK, no one will hate you if you seek help. Fix the family trauma. The public will love you for it. Remember, Queens and Princesses used to never even hug or kiss their kids, thats why Charles looks so depressed and has his Queen Mommy (Camilla). He needed a Normal Childhood. 

FIX IT! Get better!

Remember, people who want power are the very ones who will abuse it cause they hide behind it cause they know they cant get their way by any other means.

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