My Medical Marijuana Journey

My Medical Marijuana Journey

So, as some of you know, I have PTSD.
Since I was little Ive been thru so much trauma, stress and anxiety that in 2012, I started going thru an extremely stressful, traumatic time, and it threw me over the edge into full fledged PTSD.
I had panic attacks daily, nightmares, horrible horrible quality of life.
My brain keeps reliving certain things over and over.
I didnt watch sports, no tv shows, and now with Trump, I cant even watch the news.
Im even staying away from all of my politics/newsjunkie friends.
Basically, I can hear or see something that triggers me and instantly my heart skips a beat, my heart goes into my throat and the adrenaline starts going.
Im then in full panic mode for up to a month until I feel safe and healthy and the adrenaline smell in my nose goes away. Then Ill have to recover.
Because Im intelligent, I can think of a million scenarios that could go on to torture myself with.
My mind is killing my spirit.
Ive gone to therapist after therapist .
Been on mind numbing amounts of Benzos, Beta Blockers, SSRIs, and Wellbutrin.
Nothing worked.

So, I weaned myself off the Benzos. It took 3 MONTHS!

Then I debated whether I wanted to get Medical Marijuana!

I was NEVER a drinker or drugdoer.
Although, Xanax is nice and so is Tramadol and Percocets too, Id rather NOT be under the influence of anything but life.
 So it took me a few months to say, "Okay Ill try this"
And the months leading to it I had constant anxiety!

So I went and signed up for my card, got certified, paid for my card, and then my card showed up a few days later.
I was really shocked when it was in my hand. 
I was also a bit sad, cause now I had concrete proof that I have PTSD, and that means I really have been thru a lot of serious shit and it is serious.

So I had my card in my hand, and I waited till the next day to go to a dispensary. But first I made an appointment wih the dispensary pharmacist.

Driving up, parking and going in, buying marijuana and walking out, legally was surreal.
An out of body experience!

So I went, was prescribed an all THC (75%) Indica oil pen. Was told to do 2 puffs at first. I went home took one puff, then another. Waited 10 mins. Nothing was happening. So I took 2 more puffs....

10 mins later Im super stoned! 

Look, the last time I got stoned  was over 20 yrs ago, and another 10 before that. I only remember beeing super happy and euphoric. 
This time I got super stoned then the adrenaline started and made my heart feel like it was beating out of my chest.
Then the anxiety came.................
Then the next day I felt great and did more, then the 3rd day, I had crushing anxiety. 
I was also heavily nauseated and twitching, and I felt like I was going insane.
I was so disappointed and dejected.

My last resort was Medical MJ, but it appeared it wasnt working and I was so sad.

But in spite of that I went back to the dispensary and got a new cartridge of oil half CBD to one part THC. Went home took a few puffs. 
Same issue with adrenaline and anxiety.


After 2 weeks I decided to switch dispensaries and go to anotther and the experience was much better. The Pharmacist there took in everything I told her and prescribed Terrapin Brand iREST Microdosing pills.
They have 2% THC, 1% CBD...

Im glad I didnt give up, cause microdosing helped my body adjust to having this wonderful plant in my system without the anxiety, nausea, adrenaline or weird sensations.

I have been on the pills almost one month.
I still get anxiety from my regular triggers, but It doesnt stick around and plus I find my mind will drift off to other things and Ill "forget" I had anxiety in the first place....

Im feeling emotions again!
My senses are no longer dull.

I watched something suspenseful on YouTube and I was sable to feel joy and excitement without it triggering a panic attack for the first time in decades!!!!!!!! 

I am now on 2 pills a day. And Im able to now move back to the oil pens (vaping)

So far so good !  I feel its helping my PTSD! Best thing is NO HANGOVER!
I feel like my nerves are being renewed and regenerated. My nervous system given a vacation.

The only downside to med MJ is ..."OMG Im a foodie, I really didnt need another reason to eat!!!"


My 5 Tips

1) If you havent done pot in years, start off with a microdose, then move up.
2) If your Dispensary Pharmacist gives you a large dose of THC (like over 20%) if you are a cannabis virgin, get a new dispensary. A MJ Virgins physical response to a large amount of THC will turn a newbie off of Med Pot and will taint their experience and leave them jaded.
3) Learn to hydrate yourself with lots of water. Pot makes you dry mouthed and dehydrated.
4) Check out drug interactions w/pot. There are a few.
5) All products are not the same and dispensaries are not the same. Find what is best for you,

Its working for me, I hope you have the same success.

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