Dear Derek "Duggar" Dillard -- A Primer On Sexual Identity And Sexuality For Uninformed Morons

Dear Derek "Duggar" Dillard,

So, my apologies for not posting this sooner, but as an intelligent, self sustaining woman, I have more than one interest and many blogs to post on, so this post wasnt top priority, especially after you were fired from TLC...

So anyway, I hear you are trans and homo phobic? 
Is it because you have a small penis?
Or is it because you have some latent homosexual feelings yourself?
Or do you feel like a typical uneducated disenfranchised white conservative, who needs someone to blame for your short comings?
Or is it because....the bible?

Lets focus on the bible. I know you fundies believe the earth is only 6000 years old, and there was a man named Adam and a female named Eve who started our population here on earth, but thats scientifically not possible. And irrational.

It has been scientifically proven that this planet is 5 billion years old.
It has also been scientifically proven that modern man is a mixture of 4 or more hominids and those hominids were walking the earth together, fucking each other and shit. over 100,000 years ago.

Homo Sapien
4th Recently Discovered Unnamed Hominid (code name: Ancient)
All four of these hominids had different characteristics.
Different genetics.
(Right there, that shatters the myth of Adam and Eve.)

They were all co-mingling, interbreeding and mixing genetics.
 Like all the different breeds of dogs can mate with each other and you get mutts. Sometimes it works out great and other times you get this


 Or in the case of humans, a "People Of Walmart" hybrid...

When you do your DNA with 23andMe, they ask you research questions.
Such as
"Do you have an extra bone in your ankle?"
"Were you born with an extra thumb?"
"Do you have a cleft chin?"

All of these things are physical manifestations of the interbreeding of all 4 hominids on our modern day bodies.

Like these things

Preauricular Sinus

Cornu Cutaneum

Human Vestigiality

Palmaris Longus

 So everyone is different, everyone has different body parts and all of it makes us unique and different.

There is even a body part we all have but does nothing
The Appendix.

Plus, there are also 3 different body types

4 different blood types (A, B and O) and 2 subtypes of blood

Lets talk about those subtypes

Rh Positive
Rh Negative

Rh stands for Rhesus, aka Rhesus monkey. The majority of us have Rh positive blood, meaning we evolved from Apes. But there is a small portion of people who are Rh negative. Where did they come from?  The bodies of Rh negative people who get pregnant by Rh positive people will try to kill the fetus. They have to be given a drug to prevent this. Their bodies view the fetus as a foreign body.

Interesting, huh?

23andMe also asks psychological questions, like whether you are easy to anger, anxious or depressed.
They give you tests to see how observant etc. you are. What kind of jobs youd be suited for.
All of these are psycho genetics and are thought to be attributable to one or more of the 4 hominids.
For example, scientists say anxiety is attributable to Neanderthal genetics.

Anxiety etc

All genetic
My family is full of depression and alcoholism, it is in our genes.

Did you know there was a body type that most criminals have?

Do you know that conservatives have a larger Amygdala in their brains? The Amygdala is the part of the brain that deals with fear. What this means for conservatives is that they are generally more fearful than average folks. This is why they love guns, and they concoct scenarios in their minds about how scary blacks, gays, immigrants and muslims are.
This explains, also, why conservatives with their large Amygdalas, fall for RELIGION.
They are afraid of the unknown, they NEED to have a sky Daddy to tell them how to live their lives and how to be a good person, Because free thinking is scary.
I have seen Christians on Tv saying that "If I found out tomorrow that God wasnt real, Id go and shoot everyone I hated"
OMG how psychotic!
So you conservatives are so frighteneed by Transgender people but YOU are the ones who want to shoot people and wear your guns in a supermarket!
You are the people we should be afraid of!

Lets Talk About Epigenetics

Epigenetics are when you have a certain gene, and outside influences (chemicals, drugs, hormones etc) change that gene to make it turn certain traits or behaviors on or off.
For instance, Scientists believe Autism is genetic. But what flips the gene on to turn a person Autistic? Some people believe its Tylenol., that if a pregnant woman has a fever and takes Tylenol, the Tylenol prevents the liver from expelling the toxins that build up and flip that genetic switch.

Scientists have isolated a "gay" gene, but the Christians are afraid of it and the LGBTQ community is afraid that people will abort gay babies, So people are hiding it.
Its called Xq28. Heterosexuals have it, so they are thinking Epigenetics turn it on


With so many genes and varying body types and anomalies etc you are bound to have things occur, both in gender and sexuality.


So, lets move on to things that can occur in the womb, Derek.
You should know these things since your family's entire Way of Life is getting girls pregnant.

Things that can happen in the womb

Twins or multiples 

When a woman produces 2 or more eggs and gets them all fertilized at once
Or when a fertilized egg splits into many parts and makes many identical babies.

Conjoined Twins

When the fertilized egg of a set of identical twins doesnt fully separate in the womb and the twins are stuck together by skin and/or other organs.

Chimera (aka being your own twin)

When one fertilized egg absorbs another fertilized egg completely forming one person with 2 sets of DNA

Fetus in Fetu

When a fertilized egg absorbs its conjoined twin and the other fetus grows inside the first baby


A mass of cells in the uterus that can develop without fertilization, but forming skin, hair, bone and teeth.


When a baby absorbs some of its mothers or twins cells and they grow inside the fetus


A hairy baby


Babies born with both sets of sex organs

Ambiguous Genitalia  

Babies born with with sex organs that you cannot tell if they are male or female

Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome

Boys who are born genetically male but whose bodies fight off and cannot use the male sex hormones, so they look female

Turners Syndrome

A genetic defect in which affected women have only one X chromosome, causing developmental abnormalities and infertility

Klinefelter syndrome 

A genetic condition in which a male is born with an extra copy of the X chromosome.

Aromatase excess syndrome

A number of investigators have reported on a rather rare syndrome of excess aromatase activity. In boys it can lead to gynecomastia and in girls to precocious puberty and gigantomastia. In both sexes, early epiphyseal closure leads to shortness.From Wikipedia

 Estrogen insensitivity syndrome

EIS is where a female is born female but never develops during puberty cause her body cannot use its Estrogen properly

 Conjoined dizygotic twins

This is where male and female or fraternal twin fertilized eggs stick together. Extremely rare. Most of the cases result in Chimerism.

High T Females

High T = High testosterone. Its where a female fetus or embryo gets hit in the womb with a large amount of testosterone and after birth has small breasts, a boyish figure, high sex drive, and a macho swagger, can be bisexual or lesbian.

High Progesterone Men 

 Its where a male fetus or embryo gets hit in the womb with a large amount of progesterone and  shows signs of bisexuality or homosexuality


When male and female twins are in utero, sometimes the males testosterone can mess with the sex organs of the female and cause fertility issues or masculinization in the female.

Questions For Derek?

With the above list, we can see the many different things that can happen to a embryo/fetus in the uterus. All these things affect gender and sexuality
 So, Derek? What would happen if one of your children were born INTERSEXED?  You would accept it because...DOCTORS. 
Why wont you accept Jazz Jennings as a female then? How does her transgenderism effect YOU personally?
Would you mock and ridicule an intersexed person? What if you had an intersexed child/Would you accept them being ridiculed and mocked and bullied?
Its it the fact that Jazz Jennings is beautiful and you are attracted to her, does THAT confuse you?
Dont worry, shes a girl, its okay to be attracted to HER, you still arent gay.
Sometimes old thinking takes time to catch up to science.

So, Lets discuss Gender

Gender is not SEXUALITY.  A man does not decide to become a transgender woman to get more pussy, or be a pervert. He becomes a woman because he doesnt feel like a man in his body. Same goes for transmen.

CIS Gender

 Cisgender has its origin in the Latin-derived prefix cis-, meaning "on this side of", which means the opposite of trans-, meaning "across from" or "on the other side of".


 A man who was born a man and identifies as a man


 A woman who was born a woman and identifies as a woman


A male or female who likes to dress up as the opposite gender, but isnt transgendser


 A woman who was born a man and identifies as a woman
 A man who was born a woman and identifies as a man 


Babies born with both sets of sex organs 
Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome

Boys who are born genetically male but whose bodies fight off and cannot use the male sex hormones, so they look female 

Turners Syndrome

A genetic defect in which affected women have only one X chromosome, causing developmental abnormalities and infertility. &&&

Klinefelter syndrome 

A genetic condition in which a male is born with an extra copy of the X chromosome &&&

 Estrogen insensitivity syndrome 

EIS is where a female is born female but never develops during puberty cause her body cannot use its Estrogen properly

Lets talk about sexuality

 Sexuality is all about a bio chemical response to certain stimuli, For instance, at the White House meeting, when Monica Lewinsky flipped up the rear portion of her blazer to flash her thong at President Bill Clinton to entice him, he had a biochemical response in his penis that registered as attraction to her. (aka a hard on) In females, their pussy gets wet. In a strictly heterosexual male, he will only have that reaction to women. Physical reactions are NOT choices. 

Basically, its just attraction.
You cant help who you are attracted to.
Im sure you will say, "But its a choice to act on those attractions"
Yeah, but who the fuck are you to tell someone that they should never have true love in their lives or a sexlife?
You are nobody but a fired ex reality tv z-list star.

The List


A cis-man or trans-man who prefers and is sexually attracted to women
A cis-woman or trans-woman who prefers and is sexually attracted to men


A person who is sexually attracted to both genders


A cis-woman or trans-woman who prefers and is sexually attracted to women


A cis-man or trans-man who prefers and is sexually attracted to men

Pan Sexual  

A person who is attracted to everything


A person who isnt interested in sex with anyone and might not even fantasize, masturbate or get aroused at all


A person who can only establish attraction after an emotional bond has been created.


People who do not experience that Harlequin Romance style Romantic feelings but still might like sex


People who abstain from sex and/or masturbation


People who question their sexuality


Average sexual attraction


The area between sexual and a-sexual.


 People who are a-sexual but still desire some sort of closeness to another human, like cuddling

High T Females

High T = High testosterone. Its where a female fetus or embryo gets hit in the womb with a large amount of testosterone and after birth has small breasts, a boyish figure, high sex drive, and a macho swagger, can be bisexual or lesbian.

High Progesterone Men 

 Its where a male fetus or embryo gets hit in the womb with a large amount of progesterone and after birth showed signs of bisexuality or homosexuality
Let me give you a semi-scientific personal anecdote 

I am a High T female (read yellow highlighted part above)
I have the smallest tits in my family, Im taller than everyone too, I am a bisexual tomboy with an athletic build. I had a high sex drive, I think like a man about sex. It wasnt a "choice" to be attracted to my high school best friend, that was my body talking. (And Derrick? pst .... I did it. It was fantastic.) I cant control who my body finds attractive! But all you Fundies do is tell us its a choice to be gay. Its not a choice, its chemical attraction.

 See the yellow highlighted part above? See where it says
"Its where a female fetus or embryo gets hit in the womb with a large amount of testosterone" 

That puzzled me.
Guess what Derrick? Guess what I do when Im puzzled? I start doing scientific research.
I read that during stressful situations a female releases testosterone to deal with stress.
My father was an ex alcoholic and there was domestic violence in the home. My older sister, with her tiny petite frame and big huge Ukrainian tits was born during the Honeymoon phase of my parents relationship. There was low stress, low testosterone. I was born during a higher stress period =more testosterone.
More testosterone = Tomboy with tiny tits and high sexdrive and bisexual.
I just proved to you why Im bisexual, and its science, not a choice.
This is called Epigenetics, when outside influences effect your DNA.
Epigenetics are why more people are having fertility issues, they ingest soy products, drink water from plastic bottles which release a type of estrogen. Soy formulas change the growth of male genitalia.

Lets talk about some other scientific things that influence sexuality

Being the youngest brother of a long line of older brothers, especially if those brothers are all right handed.
Being low birthweight
Having a larger penis and longer ring finger than your pointer finger.
Having gay uncles and cousins on your mothers side.
Having the Xq28 gene
Prenatal exposure to certain hormones
MRI findings
Marrying and having babies with a woman with a large family (Im not joking Derek)

Now that we got thru sexuality, lets get into gender.
You do realize the difference right?
If you dont, you are a bigger moron than I thought.
Gender isnt having sex, or attraction, its who you see yourself as.
Sexuality is who you are or arent attracted to for sex.

Now look, Derek, you were such an asshole to Jazz Jennings you deserve this post. To be honest, Im not a fan of Jazz either, but not cause Im a bigotted asshole like you, I just personally dont like those moody girly girls who have their rooms all dolled up and are cliquey like Taylor Swift.
Jazz? You annoy the shit outta me, but I support you 100% girl!

Lets start with the bathroom bill

I have 2 Transgender female friends, I dont pry into my one friends sexlife. but I did watch the other one transition to female and telling us, who watched her YouTube Channel, that she was not really having any sexdrive or sexual attraction. I see Jazz Jennings struggling with the sexdrive thing too. The female sexdrive relies on testosterone.. When you are on androgen (aka testosterone) suppressants, you wont have much at first. This is why Jazz is eating so much, she has no sexdrive.
Therefore scientifically, if a transwoman isnt having as big a sexdrive as other people, they wont be attacking women in bathrooms for sex. Plus rape and assault isnt about SEX, its about POWER YOU BRAINLESS MORON, and transgender people are more afraid of YOU than you are of them, Cause you dumb conservative yokels love to feel powerful by beating them up. Makes you feel like a man, wilding on some trans and gay people right?
The overwhelming majority of people who attack and rape women in bathrooms are white heterosexual males. Like brother in law Josh, feeling up his sisters.

 Okay now lets move onto some MRIs

The MRIs of pre Op, pre hormone, Male to female Transgender men, show remarkable similarities to non transgender biological females and vice versa with female to male transgenders.
Showing that male to female transgenders brains literally "think"  like women.
So transgenderism appears to be a type of intersexism Where instead of having both genitalia, the person has a female brain and a males body.

So Derek, Jazz Jennings has thought she was a female since birth because that is what her female brain told her she was. So Derek? Since you are a fundy, who doesnt believe in abortion, what would you do with Jazz, whose brain thinks shes female and her crotch says shes male?
Do you wanna torture her by forcing her to be something she doesnt feel she is? Send her off to Christian boot camp like Josh? BTW shes Jewish. Or have her PRAY it away?

More ponderings...

The homosexual population of the world is 8%. It never gets higher or lower. If being gay was a choice, then you would think that with all the libidinous (you will hafta go look that up Derek) lifestyles and porn etc available, it would rise significantly.  It hasnt. Because its a genetic and epigenetic trait. We also know this because other species of the animal kingdom have homosexual pairings.

If the USA is about freedom, then even if it was a choice, WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU TO TELL ME OR ANYONE ELSE WHAT I CANT DO IN A FREE COUNTRY???
You are just some jobless caveman lookin motherfucker in his 20s (who hasnt learned anything yet) from Arkanas!

Some culture fo' ya

Native Americans prized transgender and gay people, as magical "Two Spirit"
Native Americans and First Nations people listed 5 genders for people.
It wasnt abnormal or illegal or immoral, it just WAS.
But CHRISTIANS came and converted and perverted the Natives to Christianity and taught them to be ashamed and feel bad and abandon their culture and religion.

Lemme ask you Derek? Whose God is LOVING?

A Psychological Test

Derek? You identify as a heterosexual cismale, who hates trans people and gays right? Oops, you love the sinner but hate the sin right? LOL

Im gonna show you two pics. Tell me what you FEEL while looking at them...


 Ill give you the answers in 1 month...

So in closing...

In the end Gender and Sexuality is in our genes (either epigenetic or from jump) instead of hatred and blind ignorance, education, and understanding and love is what is real and true and needed.  After all these folks have 2 heterosexual parents...You guys are making them.

The Answers To The Above Psychological Tests:

Years ago, there were two sexual psych tests performed, using random people.
First, the testers took random men off the street and made them fill in questionnaires about sex and sexuality.
Then all the men were hooked up to a penile erectometer.
Then they were shown various types of porn.
The men who indicated in the written tests that they did not approve of homosexuality registered erections when shown GAY PORN.
The men who registered as Homosexual, showed ZERO erection activity when shown LESBIAN PORN.
Thus men who openly hate homosexuals, usually have homosexual leanings and men who claim to be heterosexual but are closeted homosexuals or openly homosexual men WILL NOT GET AROUSED BY LESBIAN PORN.
So if Derek got hard looking at the two men kissing, hes got homosexual leanings
If he doesnt get hard viewing lesbian porn hes homosexual.

Its just that simple.

Heterosexual men LOVE LESBIANS and Heterosexual men dont get aroused by gay porn.

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