Naughty Crafts #6 Cheeseburger/Hamburger Lounger/Childs Bed

A fantastic gift for a mancave or rec room!

Cheeseburger/Hamburger Lounger/Childs Bed

 All the ingredients

I got my inspiration from the uber expensive

I wanted one for my son, buts its taken me a decade to figure out a lower cost way to make one.
The Orbit Lounger is not a circle, its an oval, BUT I feel thats better for kids sleeping in anyway, and you cant really tell if its positioned just so in a room....

One day I went to Big Lots and saw the Orbit Lounger and a lightbulb went off,

This cost me $743.00 to make.
But if you have a source for cheap fabric and a lower cost mattress, you could get it down further.
I had all the intentions of hand embroidering elaborate tomatoes and pickles but when it came down to it, its just easier and better and CHEAPER to buy a lot of the ingredients rather then make,
My Recipe allows all parents or geeks or Hipsters to pull together the ingredients to make it.
This was super easy, just follow along.
You will need to know how to sew, however, Im not here to teach you that.

I bought 1 whole bolt each of the golden brown felt and the dark brown felt.


Bottom Bun

1 Orbit Lounger, Completely Assembled
8 yards Beige or Cream Fabric
1 bolt Plus 4 yards Burnt Orange fabric
2 yards Cotton drawstring
Brown thread

Top Bun

Beige or cream Fabric (1/2 from Bottom Bun measurements above)
Burnt orange Fabric (1/2 from Bottom Bun measurements above)
4 bags Big Joe bean bag filling
1 square foot Beige Felt
Brown thread 

Beef Patty

1 bolt Dark brown terry cloth or felt
black fabric paint
4 " - 6" Thick foam (honestly? its far cheaper to buy a low cost foam mattress and cut the oval than buying custom cut foam) California King sized
Brown thread


Cheese Blanket


Lettuce Blanket


Tomato Micro Fiber Cloth or Tomato Towel
4 yards Red fabric
Thin Batting
2 packs red folded Bias tape
red thread


Buy 4 of these
and thin batting
2 packs green folded bias tape
green thread


1 bacon scarf

1 yard each
White vinyl, cut into a splotch shape
Red Vinyl, cut into a swirl shape
Yellow Vinyl, cut into splat shape


Assemble the metal bottom of the Orbit Lounger, set aside.  

Bottom Bun

 Lay out your memory foam mattress

Lay the cushions together on the mattress and trace around them with a Sharpie


Cut it out, This will be your template for the rest.

Lay the brown terry or felt over top of the form and carefully cut around it

The top of the burger (with dog Paw marks)

Measure around the entire circumference of the foam, In the case of the Orbit Lounger, it is 242 inches. Cut a long piece of dark brown felt or terry 248" long by 25 inches wide

Along one entire long edge, fold over and sew up the edge, this will be the elastic case

Sew the other edge to the dark brown oval you made above

Put the foam mattress inside the "shell" and turn over and insert the elastic along the edge and put it on the mattress like any other fitted sheet

Use black fabric paint and a small paint roller to paint 3-4  grill mark lines over the burger, let dry,


For The Top And Bottom Buns

Fold the cream or beige fabric in half over the form to make 2 layers

 Cut around carefully

The completed inner bun layers

Measure around the entire circumference of the foam, In the case of the Orbit Lounger, it is 242 inches. Cut 1 long piece of burnt orange or golden brown fabric or felt 248" long by 25 inches wide
And another 248" x  5" wide (the 248 x 5 is for the top bun)

Clip one Burnt Orange or Golden Brown piece along the long edge to one of the beige ovals above

Then sew that edge around completely

Turn it inside out

Put the Orbit loungers cushions back on the lounger (and fasten the velcro underneath) and lay the cover over it. make sure the oval is set right

Slice 4 long slits into the golden brown fabric on the bottom to free the 4 bars so you can fold the fabric up and under and the frame or cushions wont show. Then take it off the frame.

Fold each edge over at the bottom to create a drawstring sleeve and sew, repeat for all 4 bottoms

Put it back on the lounger and turn the lounger over and thread a drawstring thru all the sleeves. Pull closed and tie tight and make a bow. Then turn it back over.

Bottom Bun finished

For the Top Bun

The hardest part for me to figure out. I didnt want the beige part to be convex and I didnt want the top to be too poofy and squishy.

Clip and Sew the other half of the Burnt Orange or Golden Brown fabric to the remaining cream or beige oval around the edge, Leaving the seam open in the back

Lay the foam mattress onto another sheet of burnt orange fabric, this time trace a 3 inch seam allowance around the entire oval

Cut it out 

Then clip it to the reverse open side of the still inside out top, gathering and making micro folds along the seam. Careful to set the oval correctly.

Hahahha, Im in between manicures!
Then stitch it up, creating a poofy top, leaving sufficient opening in the back, to turn it inside out and stuff it.

Then turn it back outside in,

Stuff it with bean bag stuffing

and sew the back seam shut by hand or machine


Sesame Seeds

Cut small triangles out of the beige felt to get an consistent result, then hand trim to an oval and glue in place with fabric glue as sesame seeds.


For the Pickles

 Here we have 4 double sided pillow covers, this is lower cost then getting it custom printed.

I have carefully cut all the pickles out from both sides

Fold the thin batting in half

Then in half again

Lay a pickle slice on top and trace with Sharpie

Cut out all 4 layers at once

 Sandwich one layer batting in between two pickle slices, repeat 4 xs

All 4 sandwiches

Hold them together with clips (pins will cause puckering)

Sew together around the edge (it doesnt matter what color thread you use right now) and trim excess batting.

Then cover the raw edge with green bias tape, and clip again

 and sew again, this time with green thread...repeat 4 times


Tomato Slice/Blanket

I laid my Tomato "throw blanket" over the plain red fabric, traced it and cut it out

Lay the red fabric over ONE layer of thin batting and trace it out

The tracing line to cut out

Sandwich the batting layer between the red fabric and the tomato fabric,

Since this is so huge, I suggest clips to clip it all together and keep it stable while sewing.

Sew the entire thing together around the edge (again thread color doesnt matter)

Then cover the raw edge with red bias tape and clip in place and sew again, this time with red thread


For the no-sew condiments

Lay your Red, Yellow and White Vinyl, upside down on the foam and draw shapes with marker on the bottom

Cut out a splooge from the white

Cut out a squiggle from the yellow and red,
Lay these over the bottom bun

Put the lettuce leaf over that

Put the tomato over the lettuce

Add the burger

Top with cheese


and bacon,

then top with the bun



Id use a 6 inch foam mattress instead of 4" and adjust the recipe accordingly
Id also top the Orbit Loungers cushions with 2" of foam cause my finished product
is flatter then Id prefer.
Im quite afraid of applying the black fabric paint grill marks, cause Im afraid of fucking it up.

OMG I cant believe Im done!



Orbit Lounger (2009) $225
4 bags of bean bag filling $80.00
Foam Mattress $132
Fabric $150.
Notions $20
Bacon $10
Cheese Blanket $33
Tomato Towel $17
Lettuce Blanket $40
Pickles $36


You can get the cost way down if you shop Fabric Outlets.

If you cannot get the Orbit lounger in your area, Glue 2 sheets of plywood together, cut a circle, sand it, paint or seal it with poly and screw legs on the bottom then follow my recipe.


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