How The Racist Conservative White Elite Have Destroyed Black American Families

How The Racist Conservative Elite Have Destroyed Black American Families

We have to go back to the beginning...

In Africa, the native tribes were in tight knit family units. When many of them were snatched up and loaded onto ships and brought here as labor slaves, their families were shattered and ripped apart.
Husbands and sons were sold away from wives and Mothers, cause males were needed for hard labor.
While the Mothers and daughters were prized for cooking, gardening and housework.
Males were sold and traded like NFL players, so the females always had to rely on themselves to keep the home and small children together.
Their tight knit close family units in Africa were fractured and torn apart because they were just a commodity and property and families didn't matter to the slave masters.
So women learned to rely on themselves and to do without a male figurehead around...

When the slaves won their freedom, they still had to deal with enormous racism.
Imagine being white in the days of racism, all you know of Africans is that they are SLAVES, that they are to be used and whipped and because they were not allowed to read or educate themselves or anything else beneficial, they appear to be uncouth and ignorant... and they are RIGHTLY angry about their mistreatment...
It is so hard to overcome this attitude and impression when it is all you know of a certain group of people.
So, even after the slaves were freed and started forming families again and trying to fight for their rights and dignity the prevailing mental picture of black people was of uncouth, uneducated people and anger...

Because of this racist opinion and mental image of them, they were regularly denied employment, people would not sell them land or property, they could not vote, they were segregated at school, and at businesses, and they were stopped regularly for just walking or driving thru neighborhoods.
Racist attitudes got the males framed or arrested for 'suspicion” of crimes and taken away (once again) from their families and thrown in jail. And once again the females had to rely upon themselves only, to keep the home and family going.

So if you see black men being arrested and picked up on the regular (for no other reason that they are black) then your mental image is that “black people are troublemakers” gets in your head on top of the mental picture of black people are uncouth, uneducated people and angry.

When Jim Crow Laws ended and black people gained the rights to vote and other things, and they started owning their own businesses and attending college and gaining higher income jobs, the rich white elite, and their long entrenched racism and their deep underlying fear of black retribution, caused them to conspire to pull money and businesses out of the black neighborhoods and schools, starving their hopes and minds and causing these areas to collapse into poor areas where poverty caused people to resort to theft and crime, causing ONCE again, the males to be removed from the family unit... They then pumped unhealthy fast food (advertising it heavily) into these communities and removed the grocery stores which further starved their minds and put them on a cycle of poor eating habits, and the diseases that come with it. Enslaving them on diabetes and heart and pain meds.

Quick Note: Isn't it interesting that the grocery stores who pull out of poor neighborhoods say that they had to pull out cause of crime, yet all these Check Cashing Companies, Fast Food stores, Hair and Nail Salons, Convenience Stores, Etc never seem to pull out, they actually move on in... Why not book stores, toy stores, Panera Bread or something that enriches the body and mind?

They then pumped high alcohol malt liquor, cheap wines and quickly addictive street drugs into these neighborhoods which caused the poor downtrodden hopeless youths to be soothed (temporarily) and gave them a quick income and caused more black males to be arrested and sent off to jail, once again destroying the family unit and causing the women to once again have to be the head of household. Since the women had to work to support their families, children often fell into gangs or drugs and other trouble. They started feeling hopeless. Hopeless girls searching for love will fall for bad boys and get pregnant. This starts a long cycle that repeats...Keeping ALL people in poor areas enslaved and downtrodden.

The United States of America has OBSCENITY LAWS

The basic guidelines for the trier of fact must be: (a) whether the average person, applying contemporary community standards would find that the work, taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest, (b) whether the work depicts or describes, in a patently offensive way, sexual conduct specifically defined by the applicable state law; and (c) whether the work, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.

In the 1980s the media and entertainment industries started violating these Obscenity Laws. Suddenly we started hearing violent sexually aggressive Gangsta Rap everywhere, and Gangsta Rap artists were signed to multi million dollar deals by Rich White Racist Elitists and started promoting a lifestyle of Bling and unhealthy relationships with females, instead of being charged with the US Obscenity Laws.

Psychology shows that if you want to “advertise” things and get publicity for things, you talk about it on tv a lot and tell people how bad it is...Which happened with this violent sexist Gangsta Rap (as well as crack, meth and other drugs) Suddenly, all the kids were listening to NWA, 2 Live Crew and other hardcore Rappers...It was now everywhere, permeating our culture, tv, and movies and influencing young impressionable black youth into thinking you had to be a Gangbanger with a gat and 5 “Ho's” at your disposal and thinking Drivebys and crime was good. It totally erased the messages of The Jeffersons, Huxtables, and other positive Black Role models.

What started as an underground way of expressing frustration of life and story telling of life in the inner cities, now was HARMING the inner city youth in the inner cities by selling them an unattainable life of guns, crime, sex and death.

It should have been deemed illegal by the US Obscenity Laws, but the racist elites wanted to make money off of it at the same time as it eroded the black youth and communities, and kept the black males incarcerated and families destroyed.

And it wasn't just affecting the male youths, it was affecting the young girls as well. Young girls started wanting to dress like the “Hos” in the Rap videos.
Hypersexualization of young black girls began.
And the Racist Rich White Elites SMILED!

Look, I love me some rap music, but not rap music that has no message, that glorifies prison, that  glorifies drugs, fake anger at society, rape, the Gangsta Lifestyle of big houses, big money, Hos, multiple cars and bling.
That glorification of the Gangsta Lifestyle by some rappers is the same thing as Robin Leach and Ronald Reagan selling us The Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous!
Its just as harmful and unattainable

As Ice Cube says:

[Ice Cube]
To all the little homies that's watchin TV
I see you tryin to be a O.G. like me
Chasin dreams, pullin mo' schemes for wealth
But the best thing in life is health, be yourself playa
Television it'll keep yo' ass wishin forever
You'll never get you life together
Don't talk about death, I got too much life to live
Too many orders to give -- what it is, showbiz
Taught you what a trick and a hoe is (WHAT?)
Showed you what a Six-ty Fo' is (WHAT?)
Lord knows, "In God We Trust"
and everybody in the world wanna be like us (everybody)

[Ice Cube]
To the kids of the world that's waitin for wealth
Waitin for health, you better do for self
Homey that's yo' last cup
Forget about the fast buck; boy, get you ass up
People use yo' brain to gain
Do something that ain't never been done; and we can spend hun's
Wipe our ass with twenties, light our joints with ones
Throw away the guns, have nuttin but fun
And homey we could do that {shit}!
Police have a fit, when yo' paper's legit
We gotta get off the phone, we gotta teach our own
Send your baby to school and she'll come back grown
We got to talk to our grandma's
And she'll help us throught them dark halls, and them pitfalls
Everybody know we got the world to gain
We got to stop the pain, lord stop the rain.

The so called “American Dream” used to just mean “Home Ownership”. But in the late 1970s it started shifting to something totally different...
In the 70s and 80s several Celebrity Gossip shows started popping up, showing all Americans (of all races) the “Lives of the Rich and Famous”. This was no mistake, it was a carefully calculated move to influence Americans away from the morality of the “Brady Bunch”, “Father Knows Best” and “Donna Reed” culture of honesty, hard work and family love.

Ronald Reagan became President and promoted a lifestyle of supposedly attainable opulence, and elitism.
Take a look at this gala thrown for Reagan by Hollywood

The message was that the rich were celebrated and you can be just like them if you go to college and become a powerful CEO.
Donald Trump arrived to usher in the NEW “American Dream” of being
However what was happening during Reagan's “Reign” was the racist white elites were removing our jobs, sending them to China, lowering taxes on the rich, screwing up school lunches, kicking mentally ill people out of hospitals and destroying the chance of the poor to rise up and become that CEO.
And replacing good jobs with a new store called Kmart. Which began the erosion of small town America and Mom and Pops.
The white families who already had money and the whites that came from old money did just fine, but the black people got worse. Affirmative Action wasn't that old and many black people hadn't been receiving the benefits long enough to accrue a nice savings yet to fall back on.

The racist white elite then, with Reagans help, put a huge campaign out there to turn people against poor people on welfare with the use of the mythical “Welfare Queen” dynamic which outraged the middle class and ushered in a reduction of Welfare to the people who needed it most and caused people to be suspicious and hateful of the poor. Everything fell into plan.
Then the rise of the shopping mall came ushering in consumerism and snobbery and then the other Big Box stores showed up offering cheap prices and low wages to further destroy opportunities, and the rich got richer and the poor got poorer causing more crime.
The lifestyle drama series Dynasty and Dallas were hits.
Instead of people aiming for a sensible, normal and stable life, people aimed to be JR Ewing wealthy.
They sold America the package and the package was
Love money and Hate The Poor.
They introduced the CREDIT CARD to Americans, and now Americans who were sold the lifestyles of the rich and famous were now in debt up to their ears,
And if Americans learned to hate the poor, they really hated the poor black people the most.
Calling them names under their breaths, saying how lazy they were. Apparently my fellow whites do not remember that it was the African slaves who BUILT THIS COUNTRY, while their lazy slave masters sat around and watched.
Despite Reagan and other Elites partying with black celebrities, like Sammy Davis Jr., they hated them.
A lot of America (especially the elites) were deeply entrenched in racism.

After the Racist Elites sold the jobs overseas, got us hooked on credit and reduced our social services, people were starting to get wise and voted in Bill Clinton, he ushered in the computer age and it's jobs and temporary prosperity. After the Internet Bubble burst the Racist Elites needed to take back power and so they tried to sell you on their next incarnation.
And so they voted George W. Bush into office and he ushered in the greatest job losses and home foreclosures since the Great Depression, all while reducing taxes and welfare and benefits for many.
They put that “Compassionate Conservative” mask on and wore it for 8 years...
It was all just words...
Until 2008
As soon as the American people voted in a BLACK MAN WITH A MUSLIM SOUNDING NAME, the masks fell off and crashed on the ground shattering into a thousand pieces.
All the virulent racism and vile hatred they've held onto even when their hate was struck down in the courts and public opinion year after year after year after century after century!
And it has been VOMITED UP for the past 8 years, in the most disgusting shows of hate and contempt.

It has been like RABIES. When an animal gets bitten by another rabid animal on the leg, it takes sometimes a full year for the virus to travel from the leg up thru the body, to the head. ONLY when that happens is the infection complete and the animal starts showing outward symptoms, like RAGE and the FOAMING OF THE MOUTH AND ATTACKING!
It was only when a black man DARED to become President, that the infection reached the head of the "Animal of Racism" that was boiling under the surface and that forced the animal to explode with rage anger and foaming of the mouth...

We've seen it on John Boehners face.
We've seen it on the contempt of that old southerners face commentating on CNN!
We've seen it written on picket boards at Teaparty Rallies.
We've seen it on Frank Taafees face when he defends his pal George Zimmerman on HLN.
We've seen it on the smirk of Mitch McConnell as he strikes down Obamas bills.
We've seen it on the Associated Press's own reporting when they refer to blacks as looters and whites as finders of food during hurricane Katrina.
We see it online where President Obama was assaulted with the N word on his Twitter account every second.
We see it on the face of Paul Ryan who rolls his eyes when Obama spoke.
We see it when the President of the NRA speaks.
You see it when a white person walks up to a black female and touches her hair as if she was a zoo animal and her personal space doesnt matter.
When white teachers treat black students as less than their white students.
We see and hear it in the lies a white smug cop told when he shot that man in the back before knowing it was videotaped and his lies exposed.
We see it in the NBA owner, who disparages his own players.
We saw it when a black Professor got arrested trying to get into his own home in his upper class neighborhood.
We see it in the un-uniform way in which they prosecute black people in this country.
We see it on the entire Foxnews network, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck etc.
We see it in the words they used to scare the American people into not thinking Obama was a good man with good intentions.
We see it in the propaganda theyve thought up to build hate towards him, muslim, socialist, death panels, gay, born in Kenya...
We see it in the bullets that kill young black teens more and more, for petty reasons if theres a reason at all.
We saw it in how they all voted in a racist white Nazi rapist right after Obama.
We see it in the way that the corporate media downplayed how great Obamas economy was doing, but as soon as Trump took over they attributed it to Trump (jealous much?)

So lets wrap that up, the white conservative elites, have systematically kneecapped all the attempts of black Americans to heal and atain intact family units, by framing and railroading black men and tearing them out of the family home and kneecapping them with recessions and economic down turns to prevent family and generational wealth building and  prosperity and SECURITY.

They wanted their slaves back.
These people had no intention of giving up their slaves after the war.
They just had to be more stealthy in the way they enslaved them.

But Ill write about that soon.

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