Madonna's First Clothing Line

I Liked This Madonna Era
Madonna by Wazoo

I used to be a huge Madonna fan. I remember buying parts of her first clothing line The Earrings, the silicone O-Ring bracelets and a black Bolero Jacket and a Purple lace skirt.
I still have all of it. I cant find prices on eBay.
I cleaned out my attic and found it all.

I just wanted her fans to see it....

Black brocade Bolero jacket from below, upper pic, woman on right
Purple skirt from below upper left, left

One earring and several SILICONE bracelets. All I have left. You can tell real Madonna bracelets cause they are stretchy silicone and dirty and old. I am not washing them.
Im sure the other earring is upstairs somewhere,

Close up of labels

Label for the Jacket

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