Stud Culture And How It Creates People Like Weinstein

Okay Ill say this...

Where are the men who have been assaulted by women?

Do men not think they get assaulted? I, for one was appalled by the behavior of Shark Tanks Barbara Corcoran on DWTS.
If a male contestant did that to a female pro dancer hed get in trouble.

Lemme say this, there is a stud culture, a notch on the bed post culture, a sow your wild oats culture in this country that tells YOUNG teen boys
that says having sex at 11-12-13-14-15 means you are a stud. Ive known 5 men who had sex too young and they are all hypersexual, sex and porn addicted, and cant stay faithful. One is an alcoholic who verbally abuses women in chatrooms.

Men dont come forward, cause they dont think they have a problem, they think they are just STUDS and macho, and they leave trails of broken families and kids behind them.

Ill bet (and Im not trying to excuse these predators) but Ill bet they all were sexually abused themselves.

MEN need to stop this culture themselves by no longer calling young teens boys who have sex too young,STUDS and patting them on the back and giving them an "ATTA BOY!"

If girls mature faster than boys, then why are parents alarmed at their daughters having sex before 16-17, yet think its fine if their sons do it?

Its not.


Lemme explain the psycho sexual physical changes that happen in a body when they have sex too young.

I was raped when I was 11.
Because I had a Narcissist for a Mother, she turned the other cheek, and left me to fend for myself and allowed the rape to continue till my rapist committed suicide when I was 16.
I became anorexic, confused and promiscuous.
When I saw my rapist Id be aroused but Id want to run away and cry at the same time.
My developmental and mental progress became impeded and stopped at age 11. I was no longer 11, I was 21 and I could no longer relate to other teen girls who were still teasing boys and playing the little games boys and girls play with each other in teenhood. I developed a 1 track mind, all I thought of was sex.
Luckily I wasnt one of the many many number of female rape victims who grew up hating men and feeling dirty with PTSD. The reasons why are for another post, but most young girls who are raped feel dirty, fearful of men and have flashbacks of some sort, and develop PTSD.
My rape became Stockholm Syndrome.

Most rape survivors have a loss of trust with others and a loss of boundaries.
Since I wasnt taught normally, I went right for sex upon meeting a guy.
So just imagine for one minute what its like for a man who was molested at an age before 16, who was taught he was a STUD, who has no boundaries either.
He becomes a predator, always looking for his next ""FIX:.

Now Im a female, admitting to sexual assault and receiving sympathy is more accepted among females then males. So imagine what boys go thru when they get raped by an older woman or a man?
They are told to squash down the negative feelings of rape and feel LIKE A STUD!

Later, just like me, because their normal teen development was stunted and they now think they are STUDS, they grow up to adulthood and they dont understand normal dating or relationships with girls, they "act out" by cheating, abusing their GF/Wife, watching excessive porn etc.

Or they become abusers themselves and abuse kids.

.There is a reason we have AGES OF CONSENT..
To prevent the psychological damage from beginning in the first place and harming more people from the run off.
The problem is that boys who have sex too young or get abused dont recognize their symptoms later on in life as being a direct result of their molestation.

You need to change the culture and mindset of boys so you can create MEN.

Men with
Respect for others
Respect for themselves
Respect for boundaries
Respect for women
Respect for children

And you cant do this if you are trying to raise a STUD.
How about raising a good human being who is kind, respectful, and in control of his hands, body and mind.

Talking about sexually abused boys, and the men they become

Myths and Facts about sexual abuse in boys/men

 Male Survivor



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